A new outbreak has been attributed to a Chinese student who came from New York, and infected 70 with an "imported" coronavirus. The Chinese city went red alert and initiated draconian quarantine measures as the outbreak began from a "foreign" coronavirus.
A major Chinese city has adopted draconian quarantine measures against the novel coronavirus after a new outbreak was detected there.
After 70 positive infections were detected, which is assumed to be from New York, but the most accepted is from Wuhan as state media declare in line with Beijing's directives.
Authorities have an iron grip on all airport and train stations, to screen those coming from elsewhere.
Harbin is now in the grips of the coronavirus that is housing one of the biggest outbreaks to date in mainland China.
Beijing is issuing order to stick to party directives of restrictions for locals, and keeping an eye on visitors or incoming traffic. Other than that, nothing is known as the government is keeping low key on relevant issues from the outside.
All citizens are controlled by a government-approved health app that proves they are not infected by the contagion. Their temperature is taken when wearing a face mask or they will not be allowed entry.
Social distancing is followed by everyone. Gatherings like weddings, funerals, public performances and conferences are not allowed during the pandemic.
Many of the confirmed, suspected, asymptomatic cases and their close contacts are shut into quarantine as policy. Even neighbour and people around stay at home, they are considered suspected carriers. These areas and individuals are under control and surveillance by authorities.
Most feared are the asymptomatics who spread the virus, but exhibit no COVID-19 symptoms. That is a silent threat to the majority.
It gets more tenuous as those in-home quarantines should pass two DNA tests, one for the virus and one for anti-bodies, an indicator of exposure to COVID-19 before.
Harbin is enforcing forced isolation for outsiders and if they have been in Wuhan or any hotspot in China where the virus struck.
All quarantines in Harbin will be 28 days for outsiders, with bundled tests for coronavirus and anti-bodies that they need to pass.
Russia is now a suspect as carriers. Heilongjiang acts like the gap to check if Russians carry the coronavirus, this border is important to Chinese interests.
There are about 1,616 foreign cases, as many as 823 have recovered.
Mi Feng, from the Chinese Centre of Disease Prevention and Control, said to the press there are two serious patients in Wuhan left.
A second wave is coming and the source should be shut, and bring control to the epidemic to prevent the second wave, that promises more culling.
Chen, a 22-year old student from NYC has spread the virus by Tuesday. Out of the 78 people, 55 tested positive for infections, but 23 with positive results do not have symptoms.
She did not know that she had the coronavirus and it infected many people, authorities said, adding that she is the source of the coronavirs in their area.
In Heilongjiang on Tuesday, four patients were thought to have gotten the bug from Ms Chen.
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