Prisoner Hurls Mixture of Feces and Urine at Female Officer

Prisoner Hurls Mixture of Feces and Urine at Female Officer
Burst/ Matthew Henry

A female prison officer was at the receiving end of a disgusting attack after a prisoner threw a mixture of urine and feces her way, some of which landed in her mouth at HM Prison Altcourse.

According to Liverpool Echo, the prisoner identified as Stephen Fletcher, called the attention of the said female officer who chose to keep her identity hidden, by calling her miss and flung the disgusting mixture at her when she looked back.

After hurling the vile mixture at the officer, Fletcher walked off but was tackled by a colleague which caused him to land on the own mess he made.

The 39-year-old attacker is reported to have been convicted 45 times after making 90 offenses, seven of which are offenses for resisting the police. His latest conviction was being jailed for six months back in November for possessing an offensive weapon and threatening behavior.

The Attack

Prosecutor Michael Whitty said that the assault is usually known inside the prison environment as 'potting' or 'swilling'. He also said that the officer had a good relationship with the prison inmates. However, Fletcher has moved onto the wing on that day from the Furlong unit for drug users.

This caused what Whitty described as a disquiet from some inmates as the victim discussed Fletcher sharing a cell with them.

The attack happened shortly after 5pm when the victim and another officer were unlocking prison cells in preparation for that evening's meal. Whitty also said the officer first noticed the mixture when it hit her. He said that the officer smelled the mixture realizing that it was urine and fecal matter, and was able to confirm it upon seeing it land on the floor.

Afterwhich, the officer immediately went to the staff area and got rid of her clothes. Upon removing her clothing, she noticed reddening in her skin and said that it felt like her skin was burning. However, the officer remained seated in the area for more than an hour and a half without access to a change of clothes.

Since the staff area was relatively public, the feeling of being bare in the area added to the trauma she felt in the incident which was both horrific and degrading.

After the incident, all 82 other inmates on the wing were forced to go back to their cells and were locked up until the following day.

The perpetrator also defended himself and justified the action saying that he was paid to do it. However, when officers attempted to interview him, he refused to leave his cell.

According to John Rowan, representative of the defense, the attacker already apologized to the victim, and that they already have built a positive relationship since the attack. He also added that Fletcher wants people to know that he is genuinely sorry about the incident and that he is very disgusted with himself for what he has done.

Rowan also added that the defendant was both relieved and pleased that his attack did not have any lasting effects on the victim.