Woman Shot in Chest Was Saved By Her Implants

Call it strange, but a woman with a fake boob job is saved by the implants used to augment her breast size. From a certain point of view, women with less endowed chests are not as attractive. On this rare and unusual occasion, breast augmentation saved a woman's life because it deflected a bullet.

The Sage medical journal published this odd case recently filed. Doctors described the unusual case of how silicone breast implants saved a life, by deflecting a bullet miraculously from important organs of the 30-year old woman.

Woman's boob job saves her

This happened in Toronto, Canada, and it's quite rare. It's also noted that it happened in Canada which is considered safer than the neighboring USA. What is relevant is how the breast implant save the woman's lfe from a bullet.

The physician who reported it to CNN was surgeon Giancarlo McEvenue. According to the doctors connected to the case, the silicone implant did alter the path of the bullet which avoided it to do more harm to the woman.

Kinds of breast implants used for augmentation

Women can opt for two types of breast implants that are legal in the United States.

These types both have silicone outer shell but differ on what is inside the silicone shell. One option is saline-filled, another is silicone gel based. But there are some differences between these implants.

Characteristics vary from shell thickness, shell surface textures and the shapes, they are used to get bigger chests, or rebuild breast tissue from a mastectomy or damage to the breast tissue.

How the shooting happened is a mystery, even the doctor/surgeon concerned cannot fully explain everything that happened.

McEvenue said that the patient was seen walking into the emergency department, looking for medical help after getting shot in the chest.

To be exact, McEvenue could not believe that the patient was talking after getting the injury. People who gets shot on the chest would be in a critical condition.

Wounds received by the woman

When the doctors in the ER checked the female patient, they noticed these injuries caused by the gunshot.

McEvenue said,"The bullet wound entry was on the left breast, but the rib fracture was on the right side. The bullet entered the skin on the left side first, and then ricocheted across her sternum into the right breast and broke her rib on the right side,".

When the bullet hit the breast implant, that most likely changed the path of the bullet that could have been fatal.

He added,"The woman suffered a gunshot wound, broken ribs and broken implants, but otherwise was remarkably unscathed."

He confirmed that the left-hand side is where the heart and lungs are, if the bullet was not glanced by the silicone implant, it would be a life-threatening injury for her.

The medics were able to retrieve the bullet in the woman's right lower anterior thoracic wall below the right breast.

She was given the appropriate treatment with the removal of the implant. Although the firearm was never traced and the shooter was never identified, what's important is the survival of the woman.

It is one rare occurrence that a boob job saved the life of a woman, and one of the strangest unsolved attempted murders.
