Burglars in Hazmat Suits Beat 88-Year-Old Widower to Death

Burglars in Hazmat Suits Beat 88-Year-Old Widower to Death
Dennis Kellond lived alone after his wife died and his death during the Covid-19 lockdown has left the community shocked. Burst/Shopify Partner

An 88-year-old widow was assaulted in his home and was battered to death by a burglary gang who wore "fake coronavirus hazmat suits."

The man identified as Dennis Kellond, was found dead in Godstone Surrey by his son Peter on Monday. This was shortly after police received reports of a gang posing as healthcare frontliners, wearing hazmat suits, targeting pensioners.

According to recent reports by the police, they have already arrested a 41-year-old man on suspicion of murder and is currently being questioned in custody.

Moreover, Surrey Police released a statement saying that officers are currently working tirelessly in order to establish the scenario and circumstances that led to Kellond's death. They also stated that the authorities are already doing house-to-house inquiries, forensic investigation, and are continuing to question people in order to get a cleared picture of the event.

According to police reports, the scene at Kellond's home looked like there had been a struggle. The post-mortem report stated that the widower died from a head injury.

Before he was found by his son, Kellond has reportedly been lying in his home for more than 24 hours. He was initially notified by a neighbor who called his attention, worrying why the victim hasn't been seen for a while. Peter then immediately rushed to look for his dad, who he found lifeless inside the house.

After which, a murder probe was immediately launched by the police on the lockdown break-in which happened in the house that the victim has lived alone for 10 years after his wife died.

Burglars in PPEs

In a statement by one of Kellond's neighbors, it was confirmed that the area has been targeted by burglars since April 17. The modus operandi of the said burglars is that they were wearing medical gowns and "COVID-19 suits."

In addition, another neighbor said that she was able to photograph the suspected burglars after they passed through her garden back on Good Friday. She added that two of the suspects were wearing white Personal Protective Equipment overalls and white facial masks. She also said that the burglars did not take anything from her, but have taken other items from her neighbors including bikes, lawnmowers, and power tools.

According to Kellond's son, his father would never let somebody take his stuff without putting a fight. This fueled allegations that there has been a physical altercation that happened during the burglary that led to the victim's death.

One of Kellond's neighbors expressed her sadness and said that she wished that the victim was not battered to death instead of just died of a heart attack. She said that she hoped he had gone in a different way.

On Thursday, a priest from a nearby church, Reverend Peter O'Connell, from St Nicholas Church paid the tribute to Kellond, referring to him as "Lovely chap" Dennis. He said that if he had expected something bad to happen to anyone, he wouldn't have expected it to happen to someone like the victim who was already 88 and poses no threat to anyone.

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