China Crying ‘Blackmail’ After World Leaders Accuse Them of Creating Pandemic

Beijing has hit back on world leaders like U.S. President Trump who with others have accused China of its complicity and demanding them paying for all the harm caused by the coronavirus.

In recent day, countries like Germany, Australia are asking for reparations and full admonition of China's misdeeds since the virus has ravaged many nationals all over the world.

Le Cheng, China's Executive Vice Foreign Minister, told NBC News in an interview, called the demands as "preposterous" and present a "political farce."

He defectively stated that China has no hand in the coronavirus, and reparations are not covered by any law. He added,"There is no international law that supports blaming a country for simply being the first to report a disease."

In one of his briefings, Trump demanded China on a Tuesday to pay the US for coronavirus damages, but said the final amount will be forthcoming and yet to be decided.

According to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, he stated that "other countries are also launching investigations into China's early handling of coronavirus and demanding compensations - and he dismissed Le's comments as 'classic communist disinformation."

He added in a Fox & Friends interview last Wednesday, "What the Chinese Communist Party did here and not preventing the spread of this around the world they're responsible for, America needs to hold them accountable." He stressed that Beijing is the culprit, no one else.

He mentioned Australia, other countries joining the US, demanding that China submit to an investigation and face consequences for its duplicity and aggressive disinformation to mislead the world.

The U.S. state department made it clear the virus alleged to have originated from Wuhan, is deliberately homogenized to deflect Chinese involvement. He stressed the truth will help the situation from happening, but the Chinese are resistant to revealing the truth.

Le, in an interview, re-calibrated his initial tone in prior statements and said investigations will be welcome, but said to keep it free of conspiracy theories.

"We do not oppose normal communication and mutual learning between scientists," he said. "What we do oppose is arbitrary investigations based on the presumption of China's guilt. That is something we firmly oppose."

He then said that cooperation between scientists is acceptable (earlier foreign scientists were not allowed in China, except those connected with the WHO), the only objection is pointing fingers at China's secrecy over the coronavirus mess.

Trump's initial tone of praise has been changed as the coronavirus mess has killed many people, and that led to him chastising China for its negative actions. China's secrecy and the disappearance of those opposed to Beijing over the past few months were assailed, during the outbreak.

Le said that China has not covered anything up and did not cause any delays. He also added that Trump is merely politicizing the virus..

Another statement by Le said the pandemic is of natural causes, and Beijing has a right to object to paying damages at all. In other words, the Chinese government will not acknowledge these demands.

China's continues deflections and re-writing the narrative by crying 'blackmail' and denying a charge of making the pandemic, also paying for it is the current stance.

China, Pandemic, Coronavirus