
US Navy Destroyer Challenges China by Sailing Through Waters Near Paracel Islands

A United States Navy guided-missile destroyer pass through waters near Paracel Islands as freedom of navigation, ruffled the People's Liberation Army (PLA) who just postured as the US warship sailed through.

Trouble in the South China Sea as the PLA have illegally built structures under the nose of Vietnam. As a result, from a similar episode where the PLA backed off from US warships defending rights of free navigation in Malaysian waters. Repeatedly, the PLA has made ominous overtures yet they never went head to head, instead backed off and claims of falsely declaring they pushed back the US war machine.

In this incident, another US warship called the USS Barry, a formidable modern guide missile destroyer sailed last Tuesday and went to the disputed Paracel islands and ruffle the PLA leadership to no end as they sailed unassailed during 'freedom of navigation' cruise. This fully armed destroy went unchallenged and tender the US Navy's right to support Asian allies against the encroaching Chinese threat.

In an official statement, U.S. Navy claimed: "Unlawful and sweeping maritime claims in the South China Sea pose an unprecedented threat to the freedom of the seas, including the freedoms of navigation and overflight and the right of innocent passage of all ships."

Why the US Navy is blunting the PLA in Asian waters

Charges from the US that China is undermining the peace in the South China Sea, as nations weaken by efforts to control a pandemic that is of Chinese origin. Under the cover of the outbreak, Beijing is doing its best to steal territory and strong-arming in areas that is purloined.

Washington and Beijing are in a word war, as America says that Beijing should pony up and admit that the coronavirus is their fault, and pay for reparations also stop beating around the bush.

The US State Department added that China is coercing in time that cooperation is needed, its neighbors are chaffing under the aggressive stance of the PLA in their home waters.

China is indirectly assaulting issues

It is widely known that President Donald Trump is against China, on Wednesday he said China wants someone else to win in the presidential elections in November. His continued presidency will be the wall against Chinese ambitions.

China wants to own the entire South China Sea which is not theirs by right. But, they back down against well-armed navies. Chinese continuing backpedaling against the US navy, shooting impotently with rhetoric not bullets.

The People's Liberation Army website stated that it had assets tracking the formable US Navy, and stay as a safe distance by 'warning them away' while attacking and ramming peaceful fishing boats.

PLA says that the US did provocative acts, that compromise 'international law and threaten China's interests that borders on the domination of areas that are not theirs.

They are deflecting claims and instead blame the US as the trouble maker. China's claims to the SCS was 'deem illegal' in 2016 and The Hague did not rule on their side, China ignored the ruling instead.

With the US Navy guided-missile destroyer passing through the Paracel Islands unhindered, has indeed ruffled the PLA's feathers as the US projects its power in the SCS. With only diplomatic protests and token rhetoric that is flustering them to no end.

South China Sea, Vietnam
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