China Blames Italy for the Coronavirus, Accuses Them for Peddling Misinformation to Deflect Blame

As the world considers China as a pariah for its involvement in the coronavirus, Italy is now the cause to deflect blame from them.

This what Beijing has been doing as the mainland government is asked to admit its complicity in the deaths and misery brought about by actions.

The Chinese government and state media have been peddling misinformation as the western countries see China in a more adversarial light and the source of the horrific crisis.

One theory peddled by China based on a statement of an Italian doctor that the coronavirus came from Italy.

Chinese media is alluding statements from a Milan based professor who said there were strange pneumonia cases in November 2019. The Chinese state media twisted what he said and used in for their narrative.

Chinese state-run news outlet like the Global Times and CCTV have swooped like vultures to quote what Italian professor Giuseppe Remuzzi said.

Remuzzi said in March that local doctors detected unusual pneumonia [sic], very severe, particularly in old people, in December and even in November, which was commented by him.

He stated that the virus was going around Lombardy before China was blamed for the viral hot spot in Wuhan.

Adding fuel to the fire, China's Global Times intercepted the ideathe virus spread in Italy, way ahead of Wuhan despite doubt in anything China would do, all to deflect worsening PR problems about its sinking image.

Yet another state broadcaster from CCTV added more insinuation that Italy is where the coronavirus actually came from. They stress the coronavirus showed up October not December to push their narrative, no matter what

This week, Professor Steve Tsang told that Chinese is peddling and spreading xenophobic and anti-foreign propaganda in blaming the US and Europe as the ones who are at fault for the COVID-19 crisis.

He added, the Communist Party is not above misdirection and denying its complicity in the propagation of the coronavirus, and without compunction to deflect all blame by changing the COVID-19 narrative.

With the US and Europe having a hard time from the virus that China allegedly started, the communists can manipulate the narrative.

Misdirection by Chinese news outlets, and untruths bordering on xenophobia that the communist party as deceived the Chinese to believe what misdirection is fed to them.

Anyone but Beijing at fault which is what they are saying

The Communist Party is impressing they are doing better, by giving false information like the virus was made by the US army, and many Chinese think it is true.

Chinese officials have spun the truth and blamed the US army for the virus that began in Wuhan, which a majority expresses doubt over. Beijing treats the US Army as a useful scapegoat to deflect.

Not all mainlanders have been deceived by the desperation of Beijing's Communist Party narrative, said Prof Tsang, pointing out the Chinese admiration for US tech, makes it believable for many. To make the majority of Chinese believe in what they say.

In one word, Tsang said,"They believe that coronavirus came from outside of China and it is the Communist Party that saved them."

He further mentioned that "not every Chinese person will believe in this, but many will."

Many Chinese are anti-American and will believe the communist party's ploy and will not doubt it.

China, Coronavirus