Your Eyes are the Most Vulnerable Entry for Coronavirus, New Study Says

A new study by the University of Hong Kong has revealed that the eyes are the vulnerable route for the coronavirus to attack, with 100 time more infections than ever.

The comparison was made with severe acute respiratory syndrome and bird flu that only demonstrated how the coronavirus is more virulent than both combined. Test were done by public health experts to verify the hypothesis that was confirmed later.

Coronavirus became deadlier with this discovery

Lab testing to find out how the SARS-Cov-2 strain of the coronavirus which causes COVID-19 verify how this virus has become benchmark for coronavirus strains to beat. The study made the radical find which might be unique to it, when the virions have made contact with the upper respiratory airways and conjunctiva, an infection will take over the lining of the eyes.

Next is the hijacking of the cellular machinery. If the host has a weak immune system, complications follow which may cause respiratory failure.

Researcher Dr Michael Chan Chi-wai, from HKU's school of public health, conducted a study to find out evidence that the coronavirus is uncannily effective in entering the eyes and respiratory airways. This was published in the latest issue of The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.

No one thought of the eyes as a target vector for COVID-19 entry

The researcher said in the lab used cultured cells from the human respiratory tract and eyes, and exposed it to COVID-19, then compard it to SARS and H5N1. Results revealed that 'SARS-Cov-2 is much more efficient in infecting the human conjunctiva and the upper respiratory airways than Sars, with virus level some 80 to 100 times higher'.

Dr Chan then mentioned that the virulence of COVID-19 is already off the charts, as it somehow targets eye lining as a sure way to sicken the host. Now, there are more aspects to the coronavirus that make it deadlier.

Prior studies now make the connection to preventing face touching and hand washing as the cheapest and the easiest way to prevent infectious transmission. Studies have also verified that the coronavirus could survive for a week on stainless steel surfaces and plastic.

He later added that even if the COVID-19 pandemic is reaching a stabilizing point in Hong Kong, other places are getting ravaged by the virus that seems to be indestructible. More cases are cropping up every day in Russia, Europe, and places that have not reigned in the contagion. It is imperative for Hong Kong to keep a step ahead or suffer.

Not everyone will accept the findings or agree with it 100%, with the idea in the 'earliest stages of the health crisis that medical staff would be adequately protected with N95 masks and protective clothing, without the need for specialist glasses.'

Late January, the respiratory specialist Wang Guangfa had a fever, he developed conjunctivitis when returning to Beijing coming from Wuhan. He was infected with COVID-19, and his complaints about his eyes might point to the infection route.

COVID-19 was detected in Wuhan, in December 31. Now, it is widely spread worldwide with 3,954,246 infected, a death toll of 275,160 (check updates) all over the globe. This data was compiled by the Johns Hopkins University, Thursday night.

Discovering the eyes' connection to COVID-19 has uncovered another deadly aspect of this virus. Eyes are the most vulnerable route for the coronavirus, and this is something that should not be overlooked.

Eyes, Coronavirus