California Beach Forced to Close After a Shark Attack Killed a Surfer

During the weekend, a beach in Northern California was closed down after a 26-year-old man was killed in a shark attack. The victim was identified by the Santa Cruz County coroner's office as Ben Kelly, he was an avid surfer who customized surfboards for a living.

The horrifying incident

Kelly was surfing near Manresa State Beach on the northern end of Monterey Bay on the afternoon of May 9 when he was suddenly attacked by a shark of unknown species, according to a statement done by the California State Parks. The shark attack happened within 100 yards of the shore, and a witness flagged down a lifeguard patrolling the area, authorities told the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

At the time of the attack, the beach was closed to visitors in order to maintain the social distancing guidelines laid out for the coronavirus pandemic, but surfing and swimming were allowed. As a safety precaution, authorities closed the water 1 mile north and south of the attack until May 14. Signs have also been posted warning visitors, swimmers, and surfers of the shark attack.

Eric Mailander, a Monterey Bay drone photographer, told KRON that he has observed dozens of great white sharks swimming near the shoreline in recent days. He said that he counted 15 sharks while out on his boat on May 9. Mailander said that none of the sharks that he spotted were showing signs of aggressive behavior.

On the website for his business, Ben Kelly Surfboards, Kelly wrote about how he began shaping surfboards as a boy because it gave him a creative outlet and fueled his love for surfing. He wrote: "You should feel stoked each time you enter the water and comfortable on your own board."

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The Sentinel also reported that on Kelly's company Instagram page, Aly Thompson, said that she was a resident assistant with Kelly in 2014 at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, posted a comment saying that she was devastated.

Thompson wrote: "I can't imagine all that your family, Katie, and all those who loved you are holding right now. It was an honor to know you and to experience the capacity and ferocity you loved others with. Our year as RAs together was an absolute joy, and I am thankful to have known and experienced life with you in it. Praying for peace that surpasses all understanding and sending so much love."

On the same Instagram post, Jeremy Pedron wrote: "Ben you have always been of the truly kindest & sweetest individuals out there," Pedron said. "Your love of others always has a felt impact on your community. Your family is in our prayers and our hearts sad. God take care of him for us he deserves the best."

Shark attack cases in the U.S

The beaches in the United States are notorious for shark attacks. From 2010 to 2019, there have been a total of 460 shark attacks with 6 of them fatal.

Among all the states, Florida is the leading state with the highest number of shark attacks in the last decade, with 236 attacks and one being fatal. In California, there have been 29 shark attacks from 2010 to 2019, with two attacks being fatal.

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Shark attack, Accident, Surfing, Coronavirus