Wuhan Reports First Five Virus Cluster Since Getting Out of Lockdown

Recently, Wuhan had five new cases of a virus cluster which was first reported on April 3. The cluster of coronavirus cases were all located in a residential compound as reported by authorities tracking infections in the city of Wuhan, where everything began.

Lockdowns are getting less as China is attempting to restart its flagging economy, as its former trade partners are losing confidence after coronavirus came about.

Even as it eases the restrictions, the coronavirus infections still keep on coming but in smaller numbers.

The viral cluster in Wuhan was first detected on the 8th of April. One of the confirmed infected Wuhanese was the spouse of an 89-year-old man, as the first case on Sunday.

These confirmed cases were mostly asymptomatic, which is getting tested positive but do not have the symptoms of those ill with the coronavirus like cough or fever.

Many of the asymptomatics are under surveillance by the Wuhan health authorities to trace their movements.

Shulan City has several new cases confirmed.

Other places in China are now reporting cases like Shulan city in the Jilin province, near the Russian border and at North Korea which had confirmed 11 new cases.

Reported infection caused by the coronavirus that was thought to have been thwarted seems to show that ending the lockdown is too premature, as 11 newer cases were recorded with Chinese origin.

Soon after the detection, the city went under lockdown and the government went as far as shutting public places, according to the Global Times.

Shulan is now a high-risk area from a lesser risk status. Now, it is the only Chinese city with dubious designation.

As for the status of the Shulan lockdown, there's just one family member who is assigned to get what is needed.

Public transport is now stopped and taxis will remain in city limits with no exceptions. No one goes around or in and out.

This was a surprise after Beijing had said that all regions in China were now considered a low-risk area.

Jilin city is now at medium from a former low-risk level as two new cases where placed under control like what happened at Wuhan that was allowed to reel out of control.

Beijing is not allowing the province to be set on fire by another out of control outbreak, also to lessen the danger to the wider province.

Other cities that are now on high alert, they are Changchun city and Dongfeng county where all those coming from Shulan will have a two-week quarantine. All transport from Shulan and other cities are now shut down to prevent any source of infection.

One of the provinces Liaoning has a single new case, a 23-year old who came from Jilin. Even one case is a cause for alarm.

It seems that Jilin is shaping up to be the new center of another outbreak unless the authorities can control it.

Who were the newly reported cases? Where did it begin?

All the new cases are traced to a 45-year-old who is a laundry worker at a local public security bureau. After getting sick she infected her husband, her three sisters and family members

Authorities are now tracing those she had contact with, she has not traveled anywhere either. Her 276 closed contacts are in close quarantine report China Daily.

One suspect is located close to North Korean and Russian borders. Close provinces have had spikes in imported cases.

Discovery of the Wuhan cluster of five positive is a going to dent Beijing's plans to reopen China.
