Trump Threatens to Sever Ties With China, Says US Will Save Billions

ILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump meets with China's President Xi Jinping at the start of their bilateral meeting at the G20 leaders summit in Osaka, Japan, June 29, 2019. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo

WASHINGTON- President Donald Trump shared that the United States could cut off the entire relationship with China, claiming that this suggestion could mean $500 billion of savings for the country, Thursday.

On his Thursday morning interview, Trump stated that he could cut off the whole relationship as there are many things or options for Americans as a nation.

Aside from the United States, many other countries have become critical of China amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which first broke out in the Chinese city, Wuhan.

China has been the center of accusations of covering up the extent of the outbreak and failing to be transparent about the severity of the virus.

But despite the accusations, China only dismissed it and claimed that the administration of Trump is just trying to deflect criticism of its own response to the pandemic.

On Thursday, the US President mentioned that cutting ties with China would mean saving money for the United States.

Trump has long been a critic of China.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump had been a critic of China, even upon entering the White House. Trump reiterated continuously his concerns about the trade deficit between the two countries, as the United States historically has imported more from China than it has exported to the US.

Read also: China Conducts Nucleic Acid Testing on Entire City of Wuhan Amid Potential Second Wave of Coronavirus

This accelerated imposing tariffs on hundreds of billions of Chinese goods starting in mid-2018, which led China to respond in kind. The move escalated into a trade war that analysts have calculated cost the United States hundreds of thousands of occupation and forced American importers to shell out extra billions than they would have to pay tariffs. But the altercation appeared to be resolving in mid-January, with the signing of a new phase one trade agreement.

As the United States holds the top spot in the world with the highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19, as well the highest number of fatalities, the Trump administration now faces criticism at home for its management of the crisis.

The president dismissed the seriousness of the virus through February, even stating that it would simply disappear. But despite the criticisms, Trump supporters argue that the president responded quickly by implementing travel restrictions on foreigners who had a history of visiting China.

China has encountered major international criticism due to its way of handling the virus, specifically due to the fact that Chinese officials initially covered up the outbreak, even detaining doctors who pushed the alarm about the growing outbreak in Wuhan.

Moreover, a CIA report has assessed that China threatened the WHO or the World Health Organization in January, forcing it not to declare a worldwide health emergency.

But on Thursday, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijia answered back from the criticisms stating that people in the US failed to fight the pandemic themselves, even the trust of the American people as they have not made reflections of how to improve their work.

He also added that they are urging the United States to stop slandering and discrediting China, he also emphasized to stop playing this nonsense blame game.

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Us, China