Thousands Gather To Commemorate Genral Sisi As Protesters Are Shut Out

Three years after Mubarak was overthrown from his position, thousands of Egyptians gathered in Tahrir Square to celebrate General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in a planned event, Reuters reported.

As Sisi supporters filled Tahrir Square during a state-managed event where shirts with Sisi's image on them were sold for five Egyptian pounds each, according to Reuters.

Military security forces threw teargas towards protesters and fired automatic rifles into the air to keep demonstrators away from Tahrir Square, where everyone who entered was required to pass through a metal detector, Reuters reported.

The thousands of supporters present at the Square in support of General Sisi shows the underlying want of the Egyptian people for a stabilized Egypt, according to Reuters.

An Egyptian health ministry official told local television stations 29 people had died on Saturday during the clashes which occurred throughout Egypt, Reuters reported.

As armored cars and military police were dispersed to keep the calm, a car bomb exploded near a police camp in the city of Suez, according to security sources, Reuters reported. The blast was followed by gunfire between insurgents and military personnel.

As tension rose, demonstrators gathered in central Cairo calling to an end to the military backed government and chanting: "Down with military rule," Reuters reported.

Since Sisi removed Morsi from power and named the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, a confrontation between the Islamist movement and police have become more violent, according to Reuters.

As the commemoration for Sisi continued inside the square, protesters yelling for freedom and social justice were shut out by security forces outside, Reuters reported.