The sale of $180 million worth of high tech torpedoes to Taiwan has been approved by the US for defensive purposes and to protect Taiwan from Beijing's belligerent attitude, since rejecting the One-China policy.
It is likely the arming of the Taiwanese Navy with heavyweight torpedoes that angers the CCP at the danger it represents to the Chinese Navy assets. Beijing sees and claims Taiwan in the One-China Policy.
For the Trump administration, sale of the torpedoes to Taiwan and the relation it has precedes the fact that China will take issue at the sale of arms which can frustrate its efforts to cower the island nation.
Another is that the US is willing to help Taiwan despite amping up the bad blood, which the two countries have already. But, clearly, the US does not care for China's concern, only for Taiwan's defence.
Confirmation by the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency announcing the State Department allowing the sale of the 18 Torpedoes that comes with everything needed to operate them in a tactical situation to be used effectively.
Everything in the sale was in order, according to relevant agencies in Taiwan and with US law and policy. Both countries are allied and committed to Taiwan modernizing its armed forces, and with a good defensive stance as well. Several times, the US came to intervene, especially with the Chinese navy sending signals to Taiwan's independence that irks the communists.
Taiwan used to be called the Republic of China, though the US was never officially diplomatic to the small nation but kept ties none the less. Also, has been selling arms to the Taiwanese for a long time. Till late most nations followed a one-china policy, that refers to the CCP in mainland China as the only legit Chinese government.
Sale of the weapons was met with a statement from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, getting irked by the sale and demanding the US to stop selling weapons to Taiwan, cut military ties. This was an attempt to impose on the US which chose to ignore Chinese demands.
The Chinese spokesman said China opposes the sale of arms to Taiwan.
Approval of the sale was given on the start of the second term of President Tsai Ing-wen, who wants an independent state of Taiwan.
On Wednesday, the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo further bristled China by giving a statement of Praise to Tsai and extolling her virtues as a leader. But the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs got ruffled at Pompeo's statements and aired their dissatisfaction.
Sale of the torpedoes comes at a time that China is at the receiving end of the US disparaging remarks, echoes by other nations, especially that they are the cause of the pandemic. Beginning in Wuhan and later on killing more than 300,000 people, even blaming others to hide its complicity.
President Trump made clear that China started the pandemic, seeded it intentionally, and connived with WHO to create a deadly delay, and made up lies to avoid blame.
At the height of the pandemic, Chinese associated hackers are trying to steal information about COVID-19, especially antiviral information to steal and claim as their research, the CCP will not be hindered at all.
China is changing the narrative to get off the hook, but many doubt its sincerity. Another is China's anger at the praise given to Taiwan.
It is not about $180 million of advance torpedoes, but how China cannot threaten Taiwan as it gets US support.
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