China Side Stepped Accusations at the World Health Assembly

The events at the World Health Assembly was surprising that China was not held accountable for all the accusations, for now.

As many as 120 nations wanted the CCP of China to account for what it did during the coronavirus outbreak, angry nations wanted China facing up to all its crimes. Instead, it got a pat on the back despite all that has transpired, all the deaths caused by the virus that started in Wuhan.

It was expected that the virtual meeting of the WHA will end with an investigation, suggested by Australia to probe China for its role in creating the deadly disease. The CCP is suspected of many things that they hid from the world. But, the communists would not allow it, as shown during the virtual conference.

According to reports, China connived and lied about the starting days of the contagion, by silencing whistleblowers and delay valuable information with a PPE buying spree. As a result, other countries were losing time to prepare for the contagion.

When the motion was put for review, the one drafted by Australia was diminished by a version by the European Union, citing "lessons learned."

It was glaring that it never mentioned an investigation where the virus came from, specifically China. Even the word Wuhan was never seen on the document.

About 110 or more members of the WHO agreed with the motion last Monday.

With the motion passed with no repercussions on the CCP of China, it was accepted with no resistance with approval on Tuesday the next day.

Pleased of the outcome, President Xi Jinping made a speech to mend bridges.

He mentioned that an enquiry would be welcome, but only after this pandemic is passed over. The Chinese leader was speaking in a manner that will give opposing countries a hard time to push back against China.

It even mentioned that WHO backed the enquiry that is not biased, omitting independence in his words.

In the White House last Monday, John Ullyot said the $ 2 billion is the bait. Adding that they should deflect whatever China should be paying for. China must pay and account for spreading the disease and lying about it that lead to mass graves.

Instead of siding with the world, reports said that the WHO became an accomplice who praises China. It is also said that it used Italy and the US army as a scapegoat of its elaborate lies.

Due to these occurence, the US is alledgely exiting the WHO because it does not want to let go of patents for a coronavirus vaccine and therapies. By moving out of WHO, the US does not need to share patent, said some unknown sources.

The CCP has made it appear to help nations afflicted by the coronavirus even if the virus started from their country. It has pledges to help with the global effort to fight COVID-19.

But all are dismissing communist propaganda to have better favor, but only China wants it and a few others.

Some say that the US wasted a chance win, President Trump gave the stage to Xi and did not win over other members.

China, European Union