The transmission of COVID-19 is from person to person instead of from a contaminated surface, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that recently updated its "How COVID-19 Spreads" website.
In the headline-size type, the revised advisory now states that the novel coronavirus is transmitted easily between people.
The alteration was made on May 11 without any preemptive declaration from the CDC. The revision was made during an internal review of the website, according to CDC spokesperson Kristen Nordlund. The purpose was to clarify other types of transmission from person to person.
It was previously a public knowledge that the coronavirus could thrive on surfaces but was not the main type of transmission.
The updated COVID-19 page with a new section makes the information clearer that it is likely that an individual can contract COVID-19 upon touching a surface or object with the virus on it and then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth. "This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more about this virus."
The organization is still learning about the spread of the illness.
The CDC contributed to a study in March and discovered that the coronavirus can thrive in the air and on surfaces for a duration of hours or days. This proposed that individuals could contract the virus in alternative ways other than person-to-person.
According to researchers, the virus is generally transmitted when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or talks in close proximity with another person. This results in droplets landing on the other person's nose or mouth.
Researchers have long underscored that the coronavirus jumps easily between people with a distance of 6 feet from each other.
The CDC noted that there is a low risk of the coronavirus being transmitted from animals to people. It is not a remarkable mode of spreading the coronavirus.
The website indicated that COVID-19 is easily and sustainably transferred between people.
They added that facts from the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak suggest that the coronavirus is becoming prevalent than influenza, but not as potent as measles.
The small update of the CDC provides accuracy and lessens alarm, said Dr. John Whyte, the chief medical officer for WebMD.
Whyte stated, "Many people were concerned that by simply touching an object they may get coronavirus, and that's simply not the case. Even when a virus may stay on a surface, it doesn't mean that it's actually infectious."
The announcement is said to have huge insinuations for offices and schools, both of which are tackling how to resume operations after the lockdown which involves decreasing the risk of contracting the illness.
The alteration updates were the outcome of a usability testing and internal review, according to CDC spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund on Thursday.
Nordlund noted that CDC's transmission language has not been altered.
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