Blood Clots Fill Lungs of Black Coronavirus Victims, Study Finds

Pixabay/Narupon Promvichai

In a study, the researchers found that in autopsies of 10 African-American victims who died from the coronavirus, conclusive examination reveals blood clots of the victim's lungs.

Last Wednesday, a report in a study, exposed these results when the examinations were done as reported by CNN.

The patients were suspected to have conditions that aggravated the COVID-19 which became worse and led to their deaths. Maladies suffered by the African-American victims was hypertension and diabetes, though the scientists suspect some degree of genetic factors and other aspects that cause the virus, based on the LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine.

All the conclusions were published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, which examines all the possible reasons why African-American victims will be predisposed to the worst symptoms of COVID-19 in the US. The study is trying to decipher why it happened to colored individuals, according to the researchers.

Dr Richard Vander Heide, LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine, said that in the lung they found that it was pocked with clotted blood, and hemorrhage which caused decompensation leading to the death of the victims. Most of the African-American victims had these in their lung tissue, when under autopsy.

Other findings that were discovered by the scientists were traces in the blood called D-dimers. These are signs that indicate an attempt by the system to break down the blood clotting, but they failed in doing that and were overcome by the virus.

Doctors have reported that patients in the US have been getting too many blood clots. But, some studies done earlier show giving patient anti-coagulation medicines will help with the blood clotting.

10 African-American patients

Basis of the study are 10 patients of colored origin, all of them were referred because of a mild cough. What is common between them is that all 10 keeled over and could not breathe properly, it is a symptom that can kill a patient by getting intubated.

Cytokine storm

Vander Heide noted that the cause with COVID-19 becomes a cytokine storm defined by NewScientist. When a cytokine storm erupts, antibodies will be generated as a reaction to kill the virus during the infection. What happens next is the antibodies attack body tissue, causing more harm than good. These affects parts of the lungs and affects the cells too.

It might be an effect of the coronavirus or maybe it is the cytokine storm attacking tissues. Lastly, it might be the blood clotting, said Vander Heide. Include several factors caused by genetics, he included.

The scientists were not seeing an inflamed heart and secondary infections, but what the doctor in China noticed in the patients.

Dennis McGonagle mentions the study might explain why colored patients suffer more when infected by COVID-19 in the UK as well as the US.