Crime & Justice

German Pervert Suspected for Murder of 3-Year-Old Madeleine McCann Missing Since 2007

In the bizarre disappearance of three-year-old Madeleine McCann who went missing more than ten years ago in 2007 and after several inquiries in more than three European countries, authorities are investigating a German sex offender as a suspect of murdering the young girl who was last seen in her family's hotel room in Portugal.

A historical abuser

Investigators did not yet reveal the identity of the German suspect who is 43 years old, but he is believed to have lived in Portugal occasionally between 1995 and 2007.

The suspect has a history of sexual abuse of children and is currently in jail for a separate sexual crime and drug charge. A criminal investigator at Germany's Federal Criminal Police, Christian Hoppe, revealed the news on Wednesday night on public television, as reported by The New York Times.

Metropolitan Police of London announced details of two cars that they believe are linked to the suspect. The vehicles were observed around the time of McCann's disappearance, and officials have urged the public to turn in any information they may have about the case.

"The first vehicle is a distinctive VW T3 Westfalia campervan. It is an early 1980s model, with two-tone markings, a white upper body, and a yellow skirting," a statement from the UK wrote. It also noted that the vehicle had a Portuguese plate number.

According to CNN, investigators believe that the suspect had access to the vehicle between April and May 2007 and that it was used to drive around the Praia da Luz area.

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The second vehicle, a 1993 British Jaguar, had a German plate number and was officially registered in Germany. Officials believe this car was used between 2006 and 2007 in the area as well.

Initially, the second car's plate number was registered to the suspect's name but on May 4, 2007, which was the day after McCann went missing, he re-registered the car to another person in Germany.

Public assistance

The one in charge of the investigation, Detective Chief Inspector Mark Cranwell said that the suspect who was 30 years old at the time of the disappearance frequently lived in the Algarve from 1995 to 2007 and stayed for several days inside his campervan while he lived a "transient lifestyle."

Authorities said the suspect was in Praia de Luz when the McCann Family was staying in a nearby hotel. The young girl is believed to have gone missing between 9:10 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., as reported by BBC.

Cranwell urged the public to help and have asked anyone who may have known or have been made aware of what the suspect did with McCann to come forward and cooperate with the investigation.

He added that some people might have been aware of the suspect's history and what he has done or that he may have confided about the little girl's disappearance. Cranwell said that the 13 years that have passed might have changed these people's loyalties.

Cranwell noted that the suspect is currently locked behind bars and assured that anyone who might have been worried about speaking about the crime in the past is safe to do so now.

Disappearance, Sex offender
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