What Non-Lethal Weapons are US Police Using to Control George Floyd Rioters?

George Floyd riots grew from a peaceful protest to one co-opted individuals who have other things in mind, which is why police resorted to using these non-lethal weapons that were meant to deter perpetrators.

It cannot be denied that people got hurt and the variety of weapons used were pointed against rioter and looters, with different agenda opposite to the death of George Floyd who was killed by a policeman Derek Chauvin, according to South China Morning Post.

George Floyd died because a white Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck, and 8 minutes later he's dead due to asphyxiation. That spelt trouble for the US as looters and rioters destroyed establishments more than the coronavirus.

What should have been a somber protest with pleas to bring his killers to justice turned into an opportunistic attack on establishments by looters who destroyed shops. Other were rioters attempted to kill police officers doing their jobs, and all led to armed clashes with protestors turning to murderous thugs and opportunistic hooligans.

The actions have prompted police use of devices and weapons to deter protestors who are getting violent or rowdy. These are non-lethal to control them, but the whole point is to deter at the range and any closer protesters surge it can hurt.

Tear gas and pepper spray

These are called chemical irritants, that attack by making the subject experience excessive sensations of chemical burning, pain, and causing the airways to get inflamed when applied. It can deter crowds to keep them unharmed, defined by Aftermath.

According to public health and disease experts, the use of chemical irritants like tear gas has increased risk for COVID-19 to infect the respiratory tract.

These irritants are used for wide dispersal in the area used, and it is normal for crowds as the targets, collateral damage is expected in crowd control.

One way to protect from the ill effects of irritants is pouring milk to lessen the burning sensations suffer from them.

Ball projectiles of pepper and sprays

Another way to make looters and rioter heel is by using pepper spray ejected for grenades and projectiles. Compared to tear gas a pepper spray is different chemically but will cause the same burning and watering of both eyes and skin.

There are pepper balls that are shot as missiles of irritating chemicals, some balls have PAVA spray. It is the same as pepper spray or CS gas, these balls are shot from guns or launchers.

Bullets of rubber, plastic

Non-lethal projectiles that actively dissuades like rubber, plastic, wooden, and "sponger" bullets will cause pain on impact. They are shot from gun and launcher devices as well, as mentioned in Prevention.

There were used in the Minneapolis protests, some journalists were hit by 40 mm hard plastic projectiles that may have happened at close range.

Wooden projectiles

Police in Columbus Ohio, used wooden bullets on protestors that they call 'knee knockers' which are made from dowel shaped wooden rods turned into bullets.

Devices like sting ball grenades

These devices are called sting ball grenades. When exploded, they will scatter rubber pellets that comes with chemicals that explode with light and sound, according to Defense Technology.

Flashbang or stun grenades

This grenade made George Floyd protestors heel because they get disoriented with bright light and bangs which can cause burn when you're close to the blast.

These police weapons are non-lethal, and are mostly used to disperse a violent and uncontrollable crowd.
