Teen Spent 10 Hours Cleaning Up After Protest, Rewarded a Mustang and Scholarship

A young black man named Antonio Gwynn Jr. grabbed a broom, brought a couple of trash bags, and started cleaning the streets of his hometown of Buffalo, New York after he saw the damage from the protest.

Amazing rewards

Gwynn started cleaning up at 2 a.m on June 8 and he continued cleaning for 10 hours. A group arrived hours later to start cleaning the streets, but they already found Gwynn finishing up.

Gwynn is 18-years-old and is currently a high school senior. He said in his interview with CNN that he saw on the local news that the street of Bailey Avenue in Buffalo was littered with garbage and covered in glass and he knew that people will need to use the street again especially those who will go to work.

The word immediately spread about Gwynn's action, and the community wanted to give back. Matt Block, one of the residents of the community, saw Gwynn's act of kindness on the news and he decided to give the boy a 2004 red Mustang convertible.

The 27-year-old man told CNN that the Mustang was his dream car ever since, but he is only using it occasionally these days. He saw that the boy asked for some advice about buying a car on Facebook and that was when he decided to offer his own car.

The Mustang may just be a car for Block, but it turns out that it has a sentimental value to Gwynn. The boy's mother passed away in 2018, and she also used to drive a red Mustang.

When Gwynn realized the coincidence, he said that he was so shocked that he was speechless and Block said that it gave him the shivers.

Bob Briceland, a local businessman, heard about the gift, and he decided to cover the auto insurance for a year through an insurance agency. Briceland said that he felt compelled to help Gwynn out and that people need to get the city together and show people that there are so many good people in Buffalo, New York.

Gwynn plans to go to trade school after high school, while he saves up for college. After hearing Gwynn's story in the news, Medaille College in Buffalo, New York, offered the boy a full scholarship where he plans to study business starting this year. One of his goals is to open a cleaning business.

Although this is the first time that Gwynn received recognition for his act of kindness, this is not the first time that he stepped up to help the community. Gwynn is a member of Kappa Phi where he does community service and he helps out at churches. Gwynn is grateful for the response of the community.

Protest in Buffalo, New York

A week after the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died while in the custody of four Minneapolis police officers, the protests all across the United States are still strong.

In Buffalo, New York, peaceful protesters still gather in Niagara Square, demanding to defund the police and all police officers who were involved in the killings of African Americans in the country be arrested. On June 6, the protesters met at the MLK Park and held a vigil.

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Racism, Black Lives Matter, Protest