Bickering Parents Increase Mental and Physical Health Issues in Children

Children whose parents bicker in front of them are at risk of developing long-term mental health problems, a latest research suggests.

The research conducted by U.K.-based relationship charity OnePlusOne stated that apart from being vulnerable to mental health issues these children can also face physical problems such as headaches, stomach pains and reduced growth.

For the study, the researchers analyzed the differences between 'destructive' and 'constructive' conflicts at home and their effect on children.

Destructive conflict is where parents sulk, walk away, slam doors or make children the topic of the argument. This makes the kids prone to social, emotional and behavioral difficulties.

"We know that conflict is a normal and necessary part of family life. It's not whether you argue but how you argue which matters most to kids. Research suggests that over time, the impact of being exposed to arguing between their parents can put children's physical health at risk. Evidence has shown that headaches, abdominal pains and even reduced growth can be brought on by the insecurity a child can feel by seeing their parents at war," said Dr Catherine Houlston, co-author of the book, Parental Conflict: Outcomes And Interventions For Children And Families, reports Sky NEWS.

Interestingly, the study also found that some arguments have positive outcomes. The researchers stated that children tend to feel safer and protected if they see parents resolving their issues during argument. "If a child sees his or her parents in conflict then work things out they understand it's possible for difficult situations to be resolved and they feel more secure. Evidence suggests that working with couples at an early stage in their relationship, or during times of change, we can modify destructive patterns of conflict behaviour," Dr Houston stated in the study.

Gordon Harold, co-author and University of Sussex professor said that the behavior of parents influences children's future. He suggested that effective intervention at the right time can help enhance the growth of the children.

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