Trey Radel Update: Florida Congressman To Resign Monday Following Cocaine Scandal

U.S. Rep. Trey Radel (R-FL) announced on Monday that he will resign from Congress following a drug conviction last year, POLITICO reported.

According to sources, the freshman congressman intends on sending an official letter of resignation to House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) later today.

Radel, 37, was caught trying to buy cocaine from a federal agent in October. One month later, he plead guilty to one misdemeanor count of cocaine possession and was sentenced to one year supervised probation.

Immediately after his conviction, he took a leave of absense from Congress and entered a rehabilation center, promising to return to his position when he completed the program.

"I love what I do and I'm going to return to what I do, what you sent me to do in Washington, D.C., which is working for you and your family while I relish mine," Radel said at a press conference in December.

However, state GOP leaders did not share the same sentiment as Radel and called for him to step down. Additionally, as POLITICO reported, the race for his seat began long before he decided to resign.

Republican Paige Kreegel, a former state representative, has already launched a campaign for the 19th district and other Republicans like Lizbeth Benacquisto and former Rep. Connie Mack are seen as possible candidates as well.

Though there are several people vying for Radel's seat, it's up to Florida Gov. Rick Scott -- who encouraged him to step down from Congress -- to schedule a special election.