Ben Carson, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development disagrees with demands to rename military bases after confederates, stressing that history should not be buried.
In a Fox Interview with Carson, he said that these bases were given the names of Confederate generals, as reconciliation soon after the Civil War. He stresses that changing them is erasing history, that history should not be hidden, and hiding it is neither a smart move, News Week reports
During the interview, Car made references to the bible calling it the greatest book written, stating that it does share many bad things, not only the rosy side of everything.
Furthermore, he said that those who are smart enough will cite history, to move forward and improve more, not the opposite. One more type of person will bury or redefine history in the process which will remain the same with no improvement, said the Jackson Press.
In an interview with ABC News, he tackled the issue diplomatically on the program as he gave his side of it.
He added that getting offended by everything will not be positive, disliking contents of history and other relevance, and later renaming them as is fit. Carson was keen to veer away from the issue of renaming military bases, in honor of Confederate generals tacitly. Next Carson made a connection with universities that are historically linked, he then impinged that if universities have such negative connotations. Then it should be changed following the logic.
It cannot be denied that Carson follows President Trump's line of thinking, which is opposed and in contrast to other GOP senators lately. According to the Republican-dominated Armed Services Committee, a move to decide if the suggestion by Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts that is renaming of bases after Confederate generals, will be passed.
To get more about the issue, Newsweek tried to reach Senator Elizabeth Warren and get her take on the statements of Carson and Trump. However, no response was issued by the concerned.
Republican Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota, one of the committee members said that all the names of US bases must those who defended the nation on Thursday. He added the timing was right, and the message is correct, confirmed by USA Today.
Another senator from the Republican Party, James Lankford agreed with the Dakota Senator,
Lankford added that he would prefer that schools should not be named after Confederates, and that includes military bases as well.
This move drew criticism from Trump who was opposed to any renaming of any military base. He responded to it in a tweet to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, mentioned by The Hill.
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