As quarantine measures in the UK begin to loosen, adults living on their own are not permitted to join another household to form a "support bubble."
On Wednesday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson made the declaration but was only implemented on June 13.
Pre-COVID-19 pandemic, dating would mean that 2 people on a first encounter will explore where they see their future going. Dating in the time of the outbreak has imposed a different dealbreaker: social distancing measures, according to SFGate.
The purpose of the announcement is to relieve loneliness among single adults living alone during the quarantine. A single-adult household can visit or live with a multi-person home to form a "support bubble" under the imposed measure, reported Inquirer.
Governments already promote monogamy through tax structures and other measures. Their purpose is also to underscore couples' integrity due to a shared goal: mitigating the transmission of the novel coronavirus.
The "support bubble," as labeled by the British prime minister, is the world's most recent dating trend -- or so a number of public health enthusiasts would like it to be.
The people involved in the bubble are not required to observe social distancing when meeting in one of the houses.
According to Johnson, "We would want to make sure that people who have been suffering from loneliness, and have been unable to see their families for a long time, the rest of their families, are able to do that."
Slated to start on Saturday, single-adult households in the UK are permitted to form a "support bubble" with another home, the prime minister announced.
"Support bubbles must be exclusive, meaning you can't switch the household you are in a bubble with or connect with multiple," he added.
As per the report, aside from the new measure underscoring the situation of isolated adults, it is applicable to grandparents living on their own. They are permitted to be involved in a bubble with their grandchildren's household.
"All those in a support bubble will be able to act as if they live in the same household, meaning they can spend time together inside each others' homes and do not need to stay two meters apart," Johnson stated.
The policy involves single people, single parents, and elderly people.
Single people are permitted, in a relationship or not, to be involved in bubbles together so long as one of them reside in their own household.
The released measure is not applicable to any person asked to self-isolate until the end of the month.
"Singletons can hook up at last!" the front page of "Metro" newspaper's Thursday issue proudly declared.
Canada though was the ahead to have implemented the measure. In early May, a number of Canadian jurisdictions have permitted 2 separate houses to pair up in "double bubbles." Unfortunately, some people felt left out.
"It is emphatically not designed for people who don't qualify to start meeting inside other people's homes, because that remains against the law," Johnson emphasized.
If a participant of the "support bubble" ended up exhibiting coronavirus symptoms, all those involved in the 2 households would be imposed the earlier precautions to alleviate the spread of the virus including self-quarantine.
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