Family of Malcolm Harsch Accepts That He Died by Suicide, No Other Conclusion

The death of several black men have raises suspicions that there was foul play, but the family of Malcolm Harsch accepts he committed suicide.

Recently, two black men were found hanging on trees, about 50 miles from each other. They were hung 10 days apart in the state of California with speculations foul play. One of the families on Friday, the family of Harsch has accepted that he was killed in suicide, reported in CNN.

However, some protestors are interpreting the death as something more, despite the family's desire to keep quiet.

A spokesman of the family members of Malcolm Harsch spoke to CNN, adding that he committed suicide, according to Najee Ali, who represented them. He said that the Victorville Police Department officials have new evidence regarding his case, adding that the family wants to thank the public for their support.

Cases of Malcolm Harsch and Robert L. Fuller were subject to the investigation by the Department of Justice and the FBI. These agencies are looking for other loopholes and connections that can link their deaths on the dates, when Fuller was found after the Harsch hanging. Another is when Harsch was hanging on May 31 in Victorville, and the other at Palmdale about 10 days apart. One protestor makes an unverified and nonsensical conclusion that both deaths are connected to the protest. Unfortunately, the protestor's claims are unfound and biased, confirmed Time.

Fears of foul play or claims by parties to subvert these separate hangings were negated. The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department said that no foul play was found with Harsch's death. This was further proven by a video obtained by detectives from video in a vacant building, near where he committed suicide. These were shown to the family of Malcolm at their request.

But the forensic pathologist has checked for any more indicators of foul play, the toxicology tests are getting checked to see if there is zero foul play to support the footage, according to the department's report, cited in Kten.

Circumstances of Harsch Hanging

According to dispatchers, a call from an unknown female was answered on May 31 at exactly 7:07 a.m. She said her boyfriend Harsh had hung himself. They added that Harsch was in a homeless camp when he took his own life.

When emergency personnel got there, they tried for 20 minutes to resuscitate Malcolm according to the procedure but he died on the spot. This was verified by Victorville police spokeswoman Sue Jones when the incident happened. All attempts to save his life did not succeed. Furthermore, all the investigators were unified in declaring no foul play in the Harsh's passing. On June 12, an autopsy cleared no foul play.

Robert Fuller hang himself

He was found hanging on June 10 and it was tagged as an alleged suicide. Despite it, the LA Medical Examiner-Coroner Dr. Jonathan Lucas recommended to check if suicide is consistent with autopsy results. He added that hanging as suicide is common, and in public, the Friday autopsy will reveal everything. More evidence is needed to rule suicide, verified in KMOV4.

All evidence for the case of Malcolm Harsch points to suicide. They want privacyas they mourn his passing.