Fact Check: Does Cher Still Hold a Grudge Against Madonna After 30 Years of Feuding?

Cher is officially the queen of shade after she repeatedly gave hints on how much she despises Madonna for the past 30 years, and even though a long time has passed, her grudge against the singer shows no signs of stopping.

Cher and Madonna's 30-year feud

Cher's interview on the talk show Wogan in 1991 resurfaced, and she shared her thoughts on the "Vogue" singer. Cher told host Terry Wogan that Madonna is not talented and not beautiful.

The two famous singers have been feuding for 30 years and Cher did not shy away from her real feelings towards Madonna when prompted by Wogan during the interview. Wogan asked her if she goes jogging to keep fit, in which Cher replied "Well, you mean like my best friend, Madonna?"

The audience burst out laughing and Wogan said that it was a subtle way to drag Madonna in. Cher then said, "How about dragging her in by her hair?" That was when Wogan asked if Cher was not keen on the "Material Girl" singer.

That was when Cher opened up about what she feels for Madonna and said that she did not like her. She said that her comments were taken out of proportion and that it started when someone asked her what she thought about Madonna, in which she replied that the singer is unbelievably creative.

Cher then added that she said Madonna is unbelievably creative because she is not unbelievably talented and not beautiful, she also found the singer very rude.

Cher confessed that she has some admiration for Madonna but they never saw eye-to-eye. Cher recalled that she does not anything particular against her and she does respect that Madonna goes much farther than anyone should go and she thinks that it is interesting about her that she continues to make music and is willing to do whatever she wants to do.

Other incidents

This is not the first time that the 74-year-old singer voiced her negative thoughts about Madonna. In 1991, during an interview with CBS, she did not hold back.

Cher said that there is something about Madonna that she does not like, because she is rude and mean, which does not sit well with her. Cher recalled an incident when she had Madonna over to her house a couple of times because Sean Penn, Madonna's ex-husband, was her friend. She said that the singer was rude to everybody.

Cher ended the interview by saying that Madonna acts like a spoiled brat all the time and that when someone reaches the same status that Madonna reaches, you can do whatever you want to do.

In 2018, when the public almost forgot about her distaste for the "Material Girl" singer, Cher reminded the public about what she feels for the singer and her issues with her. She was a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and played the "Five Second Rule" game with Ellen.

Cher was asked to name three singers that she would be willing to sing a duet with and she answered "Adele, Pink and not Madonna."

Cher, Celebrities, Madonna, Singer
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