Severed Limb, Another Body Part Along with a Fetus Found in Bushes in India

On Tuesday, Chandigarh was filled with horrified expressions after a bank employee discovered a severed limb in the bushes in the area of Sector 17. After police officers conduct an initial probe, they find another severed body part along with a fetus.

Dismembered victim

According to India Today, the witness discovered the body part wrapped in a newspaper when he was travelling along a cycle track found in Sector 17 of Chandigarh. The man first saw a foot wrapped inside a newspaper on Tuesday afternoon.

The severed body part that allegedly belongs to an unidentified woman was thrown into the bushes on the cycle track behind the office of the State Bank of India near Bank Square.

After the employee reported the finding to the authorities, officers responded to the scene and conducted an investigation. Probe into the vicinity revealed another body part and a fetus in a separate bush.

Police officers discovered the fetus stored inside a bag made of polythene just a few meters away from the severed feet.

Local authorities found evidence that suggests the body parts and premature baby were dumped in the past day or two.

One investigator said the limbs were severed with high accuracy and precision with what seemed to be a cutting machine and they believe they were frozen to preserve their condition before disposal.

Authorities also revealed the fetus seemed to have been recently aborted and an investigation in the case is being conducted with a team gathering evidence from the crime scene. Police officers from Chandigarh have filed a case on charges of discreetly disposing of the body of a dead child.

Also Read: Grisly Remains of a Missing Oregon Woman Found Hidden in Brush as Big as a House

A similar incident

Another incident where a newborn baby was found dumped within the long grass happened in 2017 in Rio de Janeiro with the baby's umbilical cord still attached.

An engineer, Alexandre da Silva Dias de Freitas, discovered the infant while on his way to work one morning and he immediately reported the incident to the police, as reported by Mirror UK.

Rio de Janeiro officers quickly transported the baby boy to a hospital where he was placed in intensive care neonatal unit to recover. The child was found to have weighed five pounds and six ounces.

Local authorities have investigated to look into the perpetrator of the horrific crime.

Experts believe the boy was born a few days before the regular 40 weeks of woman's pregnancy.

Medical experts said they believe the baby was abandoned shortly after birth as he seemed to have been in good health.

The area where the boy was found was considered to be one of the poorest parts of Rio known as Barros Filho.

In an interview with a local TV station, Alexandre said that as he looked down to see the infant lying in the grass with its arms folded into its chest, he initially thought it was a doll, as he shed tears from his recollection.

He shared that he would be proud to have been able to save a life with Christmas around the corner, and it would always stay with him.

Baby, Fetus