Monica Lewinsky Affair: Rand Paul Brings Up Scandal To Slam Democrats

Seems like the presidential politics for 2016 will comprise of the infamous scandal involving Monica Lewinsky, as contender Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky raised this issue on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, Inquisitr reported.

Questioning Democrats' credibility in charging Republicans with waging a war on women, Sen. Paul pointed to Lewinsky's infamous 1995-96 affair with then-President Bill Clinton.

Suggesting that Democrats have no moral high ground to stand on when it comes to women's issues, Sen. Paul used the Monica Lewinsky affair as an example during the interview, according to Inquisitr.

"Someone who takes advantage of a young girl in their office? I mean, really. And then they have the gall to stand up and say, 'Republicans are having a war on women?'" he said.

Sen. Paul, who is considering a run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, pointed out and affirmed his agreement with the fact that Clinton's behavior during the Monica Lewinsky affair isn't acceptable in any workplace, much less the Oval Office, the Inquisitr reported.

"One of the workplace laws and rules that I think are good is that bosses shouldn't prey on young interns in their office," he said. "And I think really the media seems to have given President Clinton a pass on this. He took advantage of a girl that was 20 years old and an intern in his office. There is no excuse for that."

In a recent interview with Vogue, the senator's wife Kelley Ashby voiced similar comments, according to CBS News. Ashby referred to the former president's behavior as "predatory."

The discussion came about when Sen. Paul was questioned whether Hillary Rodham Clinton should be criticized for the scandal surrounding Bill Clinton's affair should she choose to run for president, Inquisitr reported.

Paul said that he didn't believe the affair was Hillary's fault, but added, when it comes to the Clintons "it's hard to separate one from the other."

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill, chastised Republicans for dwelling on the past.

"Hillary Clinton has established her own reputation, her own name. And her own basis for running for president should she choose to do it. And the issues that were raised by my colleague Senator Paul have been litigated in the public square for over a decade. For goodness' sakes, let's judge Hillary Clinton based on her talents and her vision of America should she choose to run for president."

If these recent interview indicate anything, it's that we will probably be hearing a lot more about the Monica Lewinsky affair if Hillary Clinton or Rand Paul decide to run for the Oval Office in 2016.