The Vampire Diaries 100th Episode: Recap of Top 5 Moments; The Caroline/Klaus Moment For the Ages

"The Vampire Diaries" reached its 100 episode and there were some pretty significant moment. A long awaited hook-up, a devious plan and loads of returns (especially one in particular) helped mark the CW drama's milestone. Let's look at the Top 5 moments from the big episode:

No. 5 - Katherine flashes back

During this episode we flashed back to when Nadia was born. This was one of multiple flashbacks and hallucinations Katherine had as she approached death. Unfortunately, Katherine's parents took Nadia away from Katherine right after the birth. We also learned that there may be something to Qetsiya's comments about the doppelgangers always being drawn to each other. As it turns out, Katherine first saw Stefan (by chance) when his carriage had malfunctioned on the side of the road. Speaking of the past, as Katherine was dying, everyone gathered around to make sure they remembered all the horrible things she did to them. Translation - they took a shot every time they thought of something. The only person to take a shot for something other than Katherine's horrible deeds was Stefan. He told the group Katherine wasn't born mean and she had to survive. He took a shot to Katherine as a survivor. (Aww.) Also among Katherine's flashbacks was the aftermath of when Klaus slaughtered her family, one of the most tragic moments in her life. After Damon was done mentally torturing Katherine, Stefan sat by Katherine's bed. He entered that tragic scene with her and erased the images of her slaughtered family members. Stefan felt she deserved peace. (Again, Aww.) He allowed her to see her baby, the baby that had been taken from her, in a crib nearby. Katherine was able to experience, in some way, being with Nadia as a baby.

No. 4 - Past characters return

During this episode, many major characters from season's past came back. Jenna, John and Elijah made their appearances to Katherine in Damon's room. However, they were just hallucinations. While she was weak and dying, Damon infiltrated Katherine's mind and began torment her. He made her think Elijah had returned (when he did not) and he made her think John and Jenna had returned for vengeance (when they did not). Returning at the end of the episode were Vicky Donovan and Alaric. They returned as ghosts as everyone gathered near the end of the episode in the Salvatore living room. Since they were ghosts only Bonnie and Jeremy could see them. However, Bonnie and Jeremy conveyed their messages to everyone. (Vicky told Matt to quit messing around with Rebekah and Alaric essentially told Damon, in a joking manner, that he's still a jerk.) Speaking of Rebekah, she returned to rescue Matt, which I'll explain in a minute. And of course, Klaus came back in a big way - which I'll also explain in a minute. The big return came when Tyler arrived in the Salvatore mansion. According to him, his return was Rebekah's parting gift to Matt.

No. 3 - The mysterious blood collection

Nadia had a plan to keep Katherine from dying. Since Katherine is technically a traveler, she can live in another person's body. So, Nadia makes a deal with another traveler - doppelgangers for magic to get Katherine back. Nadia kidnapped Matt and buried him in the infamous safe (the one Stefan was buried in). She hid Matt on the Salvatore grounds. Rebekah eventually saved him at the behest of Klaus. However, Nadia tricked Stefan and Elena (who went with Nadia to go look for Matt) into entering a house filled with travelers. They cornered the doppelgangers, disabled the two vampires' daylight rings and healing ability and backed them into a dark corner. Through this entire, unpleasant ordeal, the travelers were chanting a foreign language. One traveler cut Stefan's wrist and Elena's wrist to extract blood. After he was finished, they let the doppelgangers go. Hmmm.....

No. 2 - The Twist

Nadia wanted Katherine to use her body as a vessel, but Katherine - doing the motherly thing - wouldn't do it. She even told her the words to say to make it happen. But, as I said, Katherine said no. As it turns out, they both planned to take another person's body...............Elena's. The final scene of the 100th episode features Katherine and Elena talking. Elena essentially forgives Katherine and realizes, as Stefan pointed out, that Katherine wasn't always evil and was just trying to survive. Katherine asks Elena to give her one last sedative (Katherine had been taking them during the entire episode) knowing she wouldn't wake up again. However, when Elena went to give the injection...Katherine grabbed Elena's head, said the words Nadia told her and Elena dropped to the floor. Pretty soon Elena's phone rang. On the other line was Mia. When Elena answered the phone, the traveler said the activation word, Elena's eyes went totally black and...ladies and gentlemen, Katherine Pierce has taken over Elena Gilbert's body.

No. 1 - The Infamous Klaroline moment

Upon hearing of Katherine's impending death, Klaus decided to come back to Mystic Falls to gloat over her dying body. However, he runs into Caroline in the woods as she's looking for Matt. As it turns out, Klaus also heard about Tyler and Caroline's break up. Caroline explained it was either a relationship with her or a vendetta with Klaus. (Obviously, Tyler chose Klaus and ended up on "The Originals" until now.) Klaus asked for the same deal - give up on his revenge against Katherine for something with Caroline. She acted as if she didn't know what Klaus meant. Finally, Klaus told Caroline he was leaving for good. But first, he wanted to her to confess that she has feelings for him. Caroline makes him promise that if she shows him her true feelings - he'll leave as he says. Next, Caroline and Klaus engage in the best hook-up since, well, forever.

"The Vampire Diaries" airs Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW.

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