The world is an ocean of diseases and infections. Disease-causing microorganisms like bacteria and viruses are everywhere, in the on our own hands, the very earth that we are walking on, the water we drink, and even on the air that we breathe.
Every single day, our body battles to fight off these diseases, but in war, soldiers are needed. Our bodies need anti-bodies in order to combat these infections and vaccines offer just exactly that. However, with the rising number of misconceptions about vaccination, many people refuse to be immunized and arm themselves with protection.
Thus, we have compiled some of the biggest myths about vaccination and debunked them.
1. Vaccines can cause autism.
One of the biggest and most outrageous claims by anti-vaxxers worldwide is that vaccines can cause ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there has been no link found between children having ASD and vaccination.
These myth has surfaced because of the claims that a mercury-based ingredient found in vaccines known as thimerosal. But there has been no evidence that supports the link between vaccines with thimerosal and autism as well. Moreover, thimerosal has already been removed as a vaccine ingredient for most vaccines except for some flue-vaccines since 2001. This is to reduce the possibility of mercury poisoning among children.
2. Vaccines often cause the disease it is used to prevent.
This misconception comes from the fact that vaccines are usually derived from weakened strains of the virus that causes the actual disease. However, this is only done in amounts that will not cause the body to become ill, but only to trigger an immune response prompting the body's immune system to produce antibodies against the disease.
Anti-vaxxers have oftentimes called out the conspiracy on vaccines saying that people are being injected viruses that may make them seek. This is not true since vaccines are introduced to the body to generate an immune response as if it is actually fighting an infection naturally.
3. Multiple Vaccines Given at The Same Time has Harmful Effects
According to the World Health Organization, available scientific information and studies prove that vaccines do not have any adverse effects on the immune system of a child. Moreover, WHO added that several reviews on vaccines have suggested that combinations of vaccines given simultaneously have the same effect as they are given individually. The only difference is that your child is protected against more than one disease.
New diseases are discovered every time, and old diseases can also resurface. Thus, medical professionals are recommending that people should arm themselves against these diseases by getting vaccinated.
In addition, vaccines also prevent the resurgence of diseases thru what is called "herd immunity." With herd immunity, the majority of the people in a community are protected against a certain disease and they also serve as a shield for others so that the disease will not be able to penetrate a community since many have already developed antibodies against it.