U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci dodged White House's attempt in discrediting him. Instead, Fauci urged the government to 'stop this nonsense' and focus on beating COVID-19 pandemic.
When the coronavirus pandemic broke out, Dr. Fauci is one of the elected experts of the Trump administration. However, he soon gained detractors after he strongly opposed the reopening of the country. In his opinion, reopening the country will give way to a surge of COVID-19 cases in the US.
Fauci's stance on easing lockdowns
According to Reuters, Republicans who keen on his cooperation were not happy. There was a rise in coronavirus cases in some states that opened up way too soon. Fauci was not in favor of removing lockdowns way too soon, which almost always results in more breakouts. There was no avoiding the collision with Trump's lieutenants.
In an interview with Atlantic, Fauci mentioned the difficulties caused by the dynamics of divisiveness that makes it hard to see what is wrong or right. He stressed that everything should be evaluated before giving the go-signal to find out what works.
The White House compiled statements he made which turned out to be misinformed. President Trump said that the expert's input is valuable, but he did not accept them, according to Fairfield City Champion.
Also read : Dr. Anthony Fauci Says New Virus in China Has Traits of 2009 Swine Flu and 1918 Pandemic Flu
"You know, it is a bit bizarre. I don't really fully understand it," these were Fauci's thoughts when interviewed by the media.
Furthermore, he added that some of the tirades against him were taken out of context. Some of them did not include Fauci's full statement, which was needed to fully understand his message.
How Trump handled the pandemic is also causing dissatisfaction to Fauci. The Republican president is looking for another term in November, but the governmet's pandemic response is causing a strain on government health officials. Increasing cases of the coronavirus infections are troubling, and another lockdown might come. As of late, there are 60,000 new cases a day according to Wire.
Did the Trump administration blame Fauci?
According to administration officials, they say that he is not blaming Fauci. But a tell-tale opinion by White House trade adviser Peter Navarro makes to clear that mistake are on Dr. Fauci.
On the eve before the Atlanta trip, Trump was asked about Navarro's claims. Trump answered that he was not part of the statement by Navarro, and it was ill-advised. He added that he was in good terms with Fauci too.
Trump also says that Navarro is doing what he sees fit and didn't add any more comment. Fauci told Financial Times that he passed the information to Vice President Mike Pence, head of the White House coronavirus task force.
Related article: Coronavirus Facts Not Acceptable If It Fails to Match Anyone's Worldview, Dr. Fauci Says