Fact Check: Is Ghislaine Maxwell's Secret Husband a British Tech CEO?

Sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein's longtime confidant Ghislaine Maxwell, who has been accused and arrested for her alleged involvement in the sex trafficking ring the couple built over several years, apparently had a secret husband the world never knew.

Mysterious husband

Maxwell, on the other hand, is refusing to reveal her spouse's identity even after her bail hearing, prosecutors said.

The accused woman was arrested by authorities at her New Hampshire home earlier this month, and prosecutors have charged her with six counts of crimes including trafficking of minors and conspiring to entice young children for sexual activities.

According to the New York Post, the British heiress' alleged mystery spouse could very well be Scott Borgerson, a British tech CEO.

The rumors are based on last year's reports that Maxwell was living at the tech official's oceanfront mansion in Manchester.

On Tuesday, the madam's marital status was revealed when Manhattan prosecutors claimed she was lying about her wealth on purpose.

Alison Moe, an assistant US attorney, told Manhattan Judge Alison Nathan, that Maxwell made no information known of her financial circumstances or her spouse's assets, during a video conference.

The 44-year-old CEO, Borgerson, denied the claims that he and Maxwell were having a romantic relationship when asked last August and denounced that he let her stay at his residence.

Seen in public

One estate agent told the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that Maxwell previously toured a one million dollar residence in New Hampshire along with an unknown man last November, said Moe.

The couple had told the agent they were Scott and Janet Marshall, and the negotiator recollected that the two both had British accents, as reported by News Sky.

The interview between the FBI and the estate agent also claimed that Maxwell disguised herself as a private journalist and the man revealed he was a former British military personnel and was in the process of writing a book.

The agent later realized that the woman she met was Maxwell after she saw her pop up in the news for the alleged involvement in the sex trafficking ring built by Epstein.

Maxwell's lawyers have been trying to get her bail for five million dollars and that she be monitored electronically as she was confined inside her home.

The alleged victims of the sexual abuse and trafficking fiercely opposed Maxwell being released on bail and claimed that she would be willing to work on silencing the ones who ratted her out and those who testified against her.

One anonymous source accused Maxwell of being a sociopath and making death threats to a victim's two-year-old child if the parent continued to testify against her.

According to Town and Country Mag, Maxwell has pleaded not guilty in her case and the accusations placed on her, with her lawyers saying their client is intent on denying and fighting against the charges and that she is entitled to the presumption of innocence.

The request for bail has since been denied, causing Maxwell to be locked in prison until her scheduled trial which would be held sometime next summer.

Husband, Trial