Disgruntled Employee Who Embezzled Funds Arrested for Grisly Murder, Dismemberment of Tech CEO

Days after the grisly murder of tech CEO Fahim Saleh, a suspect has been arrested. He was identified as Tyrese Haspil, who works as an assistant in Saleh's company. Both had a misunderstanding regarding money.

Tyrese was regarded as someone who could be trusted by the murdered CEO, so his arrest came as a shock. He was apprehend by police for the gruesome murder of Saleh in the latter's Lower East Side apartment. According to New York Post, the two had a disagreement when the assistant was not able to return $100,000 in embezzled cash.

Disgruntled employee caught embezzling funds

NYPD charged Haspil, age 21, is facing a second degree murder charge for chopping up the body of Saleh with a power saw in his apartment. NYPD Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison reveals the information in a weekend press briefing.

The NYPD detective stresses that the accused owed money to the deceased. It was Haspil who stole the money from his boss. The deceased CEO earned a fortune with his Gokada firm, that shifted to delivery in the pandemic.

The suspect was the chief of staff of the Adventure Capital investment firm owned by Saleh. Despite all the chances given to him by his boss, it was not enough to stop him from embezzling thousands of dollars from his boss.

Saleh, 33, instead kept quiet by not reporting the embezzlement to the company staff, sources noted. A scheme was done to return the stolen money, but the murderer decides to take the easy way out and kill Saleh instead.

An unknown sourced added that charity was repaid with blood and death. Evidence found connected Hasphil to the mutilation. According to police, a taser was used to knock out the victim.

After being fired off, tasers will eject confetti that is used to identify markers. That was a lead used by the NYPD.

Further investigation by detectives shows that the taser was bought by Tyrese Haspil with his card. Other evidence revealed that he also used the victim's card to buy the supplies needed to mutilate and dismember Fahim Saleh.

The store had a CCTV that captured Haspil getting the supplies. He disposed the corpse by quartering it with a heavy-duty electric saw, and body parts were placed in bags.

Events of the Saleh's mutilation

It was 1:45 p.m. on Monday when the CEO was attacked using the taser on his apartment. PM News reported that the victim and the suspect were seen entering the building.

A report came in from Saleh's sister who found the body chopped up in pieces the following day. Detectives speculate that Haspil was scared off when the witness came, so he escaped via a hidden staircase.

Haspil got nabbed by the New York/New Jersey Regional Fugitive Task Force at 8:45 a.m. at 172 Crosby St., as mentioned by Yahoo.

The accused has been hiding out in an expensive Airbnb from Wednesday, but he was traced with his credit card activity.

The arrest was heard by the building supervisor, Byron Allen, who said that Haspil went without a fight and was even handcuffed with no fuss. Investigators got a warrant to search the premises and pulled out expensive handbags from the apartment.

Later, detectives went to his residence in Brooklyn. Martin Romero, a neighbor, said they arrived at 11 a.m. and they were answered by a young woman who left with them. Tyrese Hasphil was charged and was brought to the 7th Precinct station house while waiting for a court hearing.