Internet Has Divided Reactions When US Consulate Closed, Flag Lowered in Chengdu

The flag was lowered in Chengdu, China to express their sadness over the closure of the US consulate. This resulted in various reactions from netizens wherein many are deploring the worsening ties with the CCP, which is causing a real scuffle over the coronavirus crisis.

The US embassy was officially vacated by the US on July 27. A big group was there to do more than witnessing the closing of the diplomatic building. A group of policemen were also there for crowd control and keep the onlooker inline, reported Meaww.

The U.S. has always reacted that way

The closure of the U.S. embassy by the Chinese was a move to retaliate the closing of the Chinese embassy in Houston. America made the first thrust and goaded China to answer in kind. One user commented that the U.S. moved first, while playing victim.

Another user was affirmative stressing that having the embassy shut down by the CCP was nothing for China to crow about. Houston office was directing the theft of American IT, and even vaccine for COVID-19. Said user added that it was time for China to get shut down due to many illegal issues, like stealing from the U.S. The Twitter post added that when China has a consular office in any city in the USA that will be for spying. The consular office in Chengdu for the US is information gathering.

On the other hand, one mocked the U.S. saying that Americans are mad about information getting stolen by the CCP and Beijing. Taking time to highlight the abandonment of the Chengdu consular office. The user continued and said that the US steals information, punishes another robber. The user omitted that China has been caught in the cookie jar.


It is a deuce as many well-known celebrities are blaming the White House for the botched handling of the coronavirus with US as one of the worst hit. But some specifics say that China is to blame for starting it.

One of those opinions is not the same as others like this one who pointed out that it is the fault of Donald Trump and how the government reacts depends on the current leadership. According to his detractors, the president has not done the right thing, in a tweet by Nobel laureate Paul Krugman.

Next, all Republican governors did not handle their state crisis well. Tweeting that Ron DeSantis is to blame for the COVID racked state, even showing an article that DeSantis kowtowed to Trump, not scientists.

Okay, that aside, many are blaming China for releasing the virus, and they want the WHO and China t o pay for complicity. One user said it was imported and the buck stops with the leaders who can decide, including the democrats too.

With the US Consulate closed and the Flag Lowered in Chengdu, then it will be onto the next move.

Related article: Chinese Consulate in Houston Closed After Suspicions of Harboring Spies