Man Dies After Being Burned Alive in California Highway, Suspects Still at Large

Man Dies After Being Burned Alive in California Highway, Suspects Still at Large
Photo by zharth on / CC BY-NC-ND

Police suspected foul play after a man died while burning on the side of a highway. The police found the scorched body of a 40-year-old man on a California highway.

According to authorities, prior to the incident, the victim may have argued with several individuals at a 7-Eleven early on Friday morning. The said individuals who were involved in the altercation are now suspects to the crime.

California Highway Patrol officers (CHIPs) identified the victim as Jerry Mungaray. Law enforcement authorities retrieved his body after receiving reports of a fire right on the freeway the south Of Gilroy before 2:45 a.m. according to Daily Mail.

Arriving on the scene were deputies who took the badly burned victim to the Santa Clara Valley Medical Trauma Unit. Officers immediately arranged for the victim to get treatment, but it was already to late.

When the victim was examined for his injuries, there were several severe burns on his body. He died from the severity of his burns at midnight, according to the sheriff's office. But the local coroner is still trying to detemrine the exact cause of death of the victim.

Mungarays's sister identified herself to the police and said that her brother was last seen outside a 7-Eleven. He was involved in a heated argument with people who rode in two cars, according to a source.

A Facebook post by Jasmine Richards on Saturday added that Mungaray argued with the group. The individuals are yet to be identified. In spite of this, police are not certain if any of the inividuals in the car killed him and investigators need to dig up more leads, as mentioned in New York Post.

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According to News Colony, Patricia, a close relative of the deceased, told the police that no one in the family knew about the individuals who argued with him. How the victim got burned badly remains a mystery to his relatives, who are puzzled about his tragic fate.

When the Daily mail tried to get a comment from the grieving aunt, she just said that it was hard to say anything. She added the deceased had no wife or any children, and he died a bachelor without anyone to survive him.

On Facebook, his sister wrote a post that remembered him as a loving uncle. The sister claimed that Mungaray was fond of her two boys, and he spent time with his parents before his unfortunate demise.

She was able to talk to her brother one last time, which will be hert last conversation with him alive. Grief-stricken, she wrote on a post that life will not be the same without him.

Furthermore, she also appealed to help get leads for the police to track down the killers and get them off the streets. The sheriff's office detectives are scouring for leads to solve the Jerry Mungaray slay, and they are already interviewing possible witnesses for this gruesome murder.

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