Can US Navy Reach 355 Ships to Increase Combat Power?

When it comes to maritime combat force, will more ships lead to a powerful Navy? The challenge of the U.S. Navy is whether they can equip 355 ships that can add to the quality of combat.

Naval architects are thinking if more warships are more suited to today's combat scenario. Another option is going for less high-tech unmanned ships which could affect the battle scenarios better.

For others, the addition of modern technologies networking the next generation of naval tonnage is better. There's a precise control and fewer numbers without masses of warships in the way of future combat, according to Fox News.

Long-ranged sensors controlling land, sea, and air, and teams of manned and robotic units can affect the battlefield and get the upper hand. One of the most sophisticated concepts is the mothership that controls all units that do not need so many vessels, according to Best Way News.

As of now, the U.S. naval fleet is not ready for such operations that can be sustained globally. Operations all over the globe need massive warships that are not sufficient in the current naval inventory. To achieve that goal, a staggering number of ships is needed. It's also optimal to get 12 aircraft carriers to cap increased US global ambitions in countering any threat.

Experts are plotting a path to reach that goal for upgrading the current fleet that will add all kind of vessels including submarines, amphibious assault ships, and other aircraft carriers.

A case in point was the Cold War during the Reagan administration that saw as many as 500 ships. The sheer number made the US a world power that could send forces all over the globe. Missions like protecting the South China Sea and keeping countries like China in check could also be a great driving force in upgrading the Navy's fleet.

Combination of large Navy and unmanned units

One option that can work is more ships and unmanned units. Both have advantages and that gives an edge to future combat in sea warfare.

These aspects are multi-domain, which is not limited to one theatre of warfare. Another is direct engagement of two forces in the prescribed area, like the battles of World War II, according to National Interest.

Today's warfare is covered by a multi-domain that is based on information from space, computer-based commands, electronic warfare, and machine intelligence.

Other deadly improvements are beyond visual range weapons, over-horizon aerial nodes, networking of all weapons for land, sea, and air that gives the limitless potential to ravage American adversaries. A carrier strike group will not be the spear point, instead many edges are pointed at all directions.

The key to this concept is how fast unmanned attack systems can get the data and initiate assaults more efficiently. All combat weapons will be linked in a network that synchronizes all military activity.

Examples are drones that work autonomously via a connected network that can execute operations without human casualties. Drones can be sea or air-based for flexibility of operations.

Mothership refers to amphibious assault ships that will remotely command robotic attack systems from a longer distance. Combining manned vessels and autonomous systems can work together with the robotic weapon leading the attack.

In the air, F-35s can blind shot with information from links to other nodes. Connecting the data to enable a possible hit at BVR will be a reality.

If the Navy can equip with 355 ships, with all manned and unmanned systems the U.S. can fight adversaries anywhere, especially China.

U.S. Navy, Cold War, Plan