Democrats Risk Facing Executive Action Due to Relief Bill Dispute, Says White house

After delays in passing the coronavirus relief last Wednesday, the White house threaten executive action if no action is taken by dilly-dallying Democrats.

In the talks over the coronavirus relief, the GOP agreed to extend the unemployment insurance and some issues that weren't solved last Wednesday with the Democrats. The two-hour talk that included Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Steven Mnuchin, with Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff. Meadows told reporters that nothing was agreed on, as reported by CNBC.

Both Congress and the administration are at odds on what benefits will be continued after ending on the last day of July. Since the discontinuance of the relief package, many Americans have lost income support, and are currently waiting for officials to pass a relief bill.

When interviewed by CNN last Wednesday, Meadows remarked that President Donald Trump is inclined to go ahead on his own. Benefits for joblessness and a stoppage of eviction should the DEMs keep stonewalling him, or if they are not allowing a deal.

His warning could be a way to push the buttons. For all intents, congress decides and not the president, according to Barrons. Meadows added that if Congress gets lead-footed, the president-elect will decide on his own, according to CNN.

Schumer was interviewed by reporters and he said the Democrats are still in the discussions, not avoiding it. He said the Republican president has mentioned differences that are blocking a decision.

Nancy Pelosi was not saying anything about when the deal can be struck. It seems the Democrats are playing their card close to get the most favorable decision/

One California Democrat added that an end to the coronavirus relief talks is close. But, gave grim remarked how soon will it be approved by congress.

The Trump administration on Tuesday sweetened the pot with an extension to the federal unemployment insurance way into December worth $400 weekly. Although the bigger $600 weekly benefit was floated a better deal. Most Republicans in the Senate pushed a plan for insurance at $200 weekly till September, altering the benefit later on to 70% wage replacements.

Another concern is the extended eviction moratorium into December, according to sources. The Democrats lessened their pitch for post-funding to $10 billion, compared to the original $25 billion.

Regarding this matter, four negotiators were in conference with Postmaster General Louis DeJoy last Wednesday. Schumer mentions some heat about how the mail-in votes will be delivered and picked up. This is the major concern that was primary to voting in November. Worried about the COVID-19 pandemic that is happening.

Neither of the two camps gave any comments on their differing proposals. Concessions on either proposal are progressing from stalemates, between the Democrats and the Republicans. Even with progress on the deal, both parties have not agreed on other particulars of the coronavirus relief that is glaringly dissimilar. Schumer stoically said no deal with the extended $600 weekly jobless benefit.

He added that the White House is not in agreement with the $600, saying again there's no deal without it.

Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Meadows, Democratic Party, Republican Party