PLA Propaganda Touts Use of Unidentified Powerful Ammunition in Live Fire Drills Directed at U.S. Navy

As the tensions rise in the South China Sea, the PLA is blustering its live-fire drills with alleged powerful ammunition that are used for these exercises. The CCP is hoping that it can show the world that their forces are not afraid of the combined U.S. Navy and Air Force.

In response to stepped-up U.S. Naval activities in the Indo-Pacific, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducting military exercises with live ordnance that they cryptically call powerful munitions. These exercises still help in Leizhou Peninsula of South China's Guangdong Province, just close to the South China Sea, reported Global Times.

The Americans have been holding their sea drills with combined carrier strike groups (CSGs) in the SCS within the vicinity of purloined Chinese islands. Demonstration of America naval and air superiority assets have rattled Beijing.

To simulate attacks on primarily US naval tonnage and the top line F-18 Block III and support craft, the PLAN may use missiles and aircraft to assault by the Chinese Air Force that noted a Chinese military expert. He added other military branches like the Navy, Rocket Force, and the anti-aircraft carrier ballistic missile group.

According to military sources, the PLA Unit 95180 sent out a brief to Beihai Television about drills in dual phases that will be done. Initially, the start will be from Saturday to Monday in a predesignated area near a watery strip close to the Leizhou Western Peninsula. The next phase will be held on Tuesday to August 2, in an eight-kilometer-radius that is smaller than the first area but the same location.

In the report, the mention of non-conventional ordnance again that was never specified by Chinese sources. The military forbade civilians to enter these areas once the exercises commenced too. Secrecy about the details was evident.

The unit carrying out the ordnance drills is linked to the PLA Air Force.

Chinese military expert Song Zhongping, said to Global Times that these maritime live-fire exercises by the PLA Air Force includes shooting down the better armed and longer-ranged American jets and formidable warships of the U.S. navy. The Chinese objective is to pierce the heavily armed combat air patrols and ship defense screens with planes less fueled, fewer weapons dependent on land bases, that are compounded by lack of aerial fuel tankers.

The Ordnance Industry Science Technology that specializes in the national defense industry made mention of that powerful ammunition that may have hinted about ballistic missiles. In particular, the DF series, which is the type to be deployed by the PLA Rocket Force.

Based on the information, the rocket force will be targeting ships in exercises that also include heavy anti-ship cruise missiles aimed at 300 to 400 kilometers away for targets like the USS Nimitz or USS Ronald Reagan.

More U.S. Naval and Air Force activity in the South China Sea with more complete combat assets are seen as threats to the Spratlys, Paracels, and Woody Island installations. Amphibious U.S. Forces with aerial, and submarine assets are threats to Chinese deployment limitations that are not welcome in encounters with the safety off.