Crime & Justice

Man Seen Digging and Eating Into Grandmother's Flesh Like a Zombie

Police find a man eating his grandmother's body parts. Pixabay/geralt

On Monday, police officers received a report that a woman was found lying in a pool of her own blood on the ground and a man was seen mounted on her inside a residence on the 120 black of Club Court.

Digging into flesh

Spokesman Sergeant Aaron Pomeroy of the Richmond police said that when officers arrived at the scene, they found the man standing over the woman and was probing into the victim's flesh and eating her body parts.

Police officers told the suspect, Dwayne Wallick, to cease what he was doing but they were completely ignored. Law enforcement decided to use a stun gun on the man who had little effect and afterwards, a struggle ensued between the two parties. It took four police officers to subdue successfully and finally arrest Wallick.

Police said they later transferred the suspect to a hospital where he was being treated for undeclared physical injuries. Authorities are investigating the case and are looking at drugs as one possible cause of the suspect's bizarre behavior.

Reports state that the victim, Rubby Wallick, was the suspect's 90-year-old grandmother and was found with missing bits and pieces of her flesh. Medical experts will be conducting an autopsy to determine what caused her death.

Despite the investigation still ongoing and police continuing to look for evidence, several social media users on Twitter began spreading claims that the zombie apocalypse has begun with the recent crime, a harrowing piece of evidence for the event.

Leyna Nguyen, an Emmy-award winning journalist, tweeted that although she was not making light of the situation, she considered that with the events that have happened in 2020, she was worried that the crime was the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. She added that she was somewhat relieved she watched the Walking Dead series to know what to do just in case.

Another user wrote a summary of the incident where police officers found the 37-year-old man who was eating his 90-year-old grandmother. The user was in shock as the location of the crime was only 30 minutes away from them.

A different Twitter user commented on the post and said that 2020 continued to be the bearer of bad news with the most recent zombie apocalypse evidence surfacing.

A similar crime

Previously, a man who called himself to be the "evil black witch" was placed in jail after she horrifyingly attacked a 52-year-old man that left him in excruciating pain, as reported by The Sun.

David Lake had a carnival-style mask when he attacked an elderly shopkeeper, kicked him when he was unconscious on the ground, and proceeded to insert a foreign object into his body.

Lake was a former researcher at Cambridge University and was previously considered dangerous to the public after he went on a cannibalistic attack and chewed off a woman's arm and then ate it.

In October 2018, he disguised himself as a customer at a shop in Exeter before coming back with alcohol and offering it to his target who was in his 70s. He gave the shopkeeper the drinks before wearing the gold mask and immediately turning violent and attacking the victim.

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