After the United Nations Security Council failed to give an extension to the about to expire arms embargo on Iran, United States President Donald Trump made an announcement on Wednesday that the US intends to snapback sanctions on Iran.
In a news conference with the media, the US President directed Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State to notify the United Nations Security Council that the US intends to restore all of the previously restored sanctions on Iran. He also emphasized that it is a snapback.
The 2015 Iran Nuclear deal or also known as the JCPoA or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Actions is where the snapback mechanism was included. The deal allows a participant of the negotiation to restore all of the United Nations sanctions on Tehran and should it deem it to be in violation of the deal.
The United States left the Obama-era deal in 2018 but is still claim reserve rights as a participating member under the Resolution 2231 of the United Nations Security Council, which codified the deal.
Since then, Trump has been a furious critic of the deal pointing his fingers at both former US President Barrack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden.
Trump also mentioned that the deal funneled tens of billions of dollars to Iran, exactly $150 billion-plus a total of cash worth of $1.8 billion, Financial Times reported.
He also stated that the former president gave another great deal that turned out to be a total disaster as it funded the whole bloodshed and chaos not only in the Middle East but in the entire world.
The move came after the Council rejected a U.S. resolution that aims to extend a thirteen-year-old arms embargo on Iran on Friday, as it was due to expire in October as part of the nuclear deal.
The Arms embargo expirations mean that Iran would be allowed to purchase attack helicopters, fighter jets, submarines, and missiles ranging of up to 300km.
And because of that, the United States sent a warning in advance that Iran could possibly sell arms in countries like Syria and Venezuela.
Other allied countries such as United States, France, and Germany were not supportive about the access to arms that Iran is about to gain, but there is also fear among diplomats that a snapback could lead to Iran walking away from the deal and they can develop their nuclear weaponry.
Resolution to Extend Iran Arms Embargo Rejected by UN Security
The possible snapback will also trigger a battle at the United Nations on whether the United States can move forward with the still-ongoing process.
According to Fox News, Zhang Jun, the Chinese Ambassador shared in a statement on Friday that by withdrawing from the deal (JCPoA), it will mean that the United States will be no longer a participant and will be ineligible for any demands about a snap back to the Security Council.
The United States now only has 30 to pass a resolution that could stop the snapback from happening.
On the other hand, countries like Russia, China, and other participating countries of the JCPoA are clamoring and looking for ways to pause the snapback as for them they are like fighting a losing battle.