Crime & Justice

Farmer Confessed Committing Rape, Murder of 25-year-old Arkansas Jogger

The 25-year-old Sydney Sutherland was reported missing on the 19th of August and after failing to return home from an afternoon jog she was then found dead close to her home in the Newport area on Friday. Gerd Altmann /Pixabay

Jonesboro, AR - After abducting and raping a nurse who went missing while jogging last week, the suscpect buried the girl immediately.

The 25-year-old Sydney Sutherland was reported missing on the 19th of August. After failing to return home from an afternoon jog she was then found dead close to her home in the Newport area on Friday.

After the initial investigation of the authorities, they revealed that the 28-year-old third-generation farmer in Jonesboro, Quake Lewellyn was charged with murder.

During a probable cause hearing on Monday, police stated that Sutherland was spotted by Lewellyn on the highway while she was jogging, then he doubled back the victim and adducted her. He drove about three miles away to do the rape in a farm, Daily Mail reported.

While walking up to the Jackson County courthouse for the hearing, the silent Lewellyn arrived wearing a bullet-proof with an orange prison jumpsuit inside.

During the interrogation, authorities mentioned that Lewellyn confessed that he is the reason for Sutherland's disappearance.

Mike McNeal, an agent from the Arkansas State Police took the stand during the hearing and explained what happened in the incident.

The agent stated that Lewellyn was traveling westbound on County Road 41 when he passed by Sutherland walking by and that is when he decided to turn around and abduct the victim.

Based on the statement, Lewellyn forced Sutherland to stay in the back of his pick-up, he then drove an estimated three miles going to the farm where he raped Sutherland. After raping the victim, he then killed her and buried her body.

After a three-day search operation, the authorities found the body of Sutherland after searching and using K-9 units and helicopter crews.

Sutherland was last seen running on Stat Hwy 18 in the middle of Newport and Grubbs around 3 pm on Wednesday.

According to Fox News, a body was found on Friday and the discovered body was identified as Sutherland.

The family of Sutherland was present at the courthouse during the hearing.

As of the moment, Lewellyn was ordered to be held without any bond until the next hearing that is set on October 1.

Lewellyn and his family were named Jackson County Farm Family of the Year together with his father Michael and grandfather Donald, and at that time Lewellyn is a High Scholl graduate at the Tuckerman High School.

Based on the investigation, Lewellyn knew Sutherland. However, the nature of their relationship was unclear.

Prior to the discovery of Sutherland's body, police discovered the iPhone and the Apple Watch used by Sutherland when she went jogging.

Based on her social media page, Sutherland worked as a burse and lives with her boyfriend prompting the police to investigate him first, but after the interrogation, they did not find any indication of participation in the disappearance of Sutherland.

Sutherland worked at Harris Medical Center in the Newport area where her co-workers remembered her as a bright and outgoing person.

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Arkansas, Rape, Murder
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