Bill Banning Use Of Federal Funds For Abortion Passes 227-188 In House

Republicans ignored a veto threat from the White House and led the vote on the measure permanently barring taxpayer dollars for abortion by 227-188 votes, the Associated Press reported

Republicans who voted for the measure believe it is necessary in order to make sure the Hyde amendment, which currently keeps federal funding from providing for abortions unless the case involves rape, incest or to save the life of the mother, according to the AP.

The amendment has kept taxpayer money from being spent on abortions for decades, but Republicans now argue it is not enough, the AP reported.

Eleanor Holmes Norton, a Delegate to the United States Congress representing the District of Columbia, said the proposed bill is "snatching power from a local jurisdiction," according to the AP.

"Under the Affordable Care Act, massive amounts of public funds in the form of tax credits - $796 billion in direct spending over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office - will pay for insurance plans, many, perhaps most of which will include elective abortion," Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., told the AP. "That massively violates the Hyde amendment."

Though the bill seems to not stand a chance in the Senate due to a Democratic majority, Democrats still fought the bill and said the new legislation is just tactic by the GOP and their "war on women," according to the AP.

"There is no taxpayer funding for abortion," Rep. Diana DeGette, a Democrat from Colorado. "The Affordable Care Act does not change that," but Renee Ellmers, a representative from North Carolina argued the law does allow taxpayer subsidies for health care plans to cover abortion, according to the AP.

In a statement, the White House said the health care law and other orders keep federal funds from being used for abortions, and said the proposed measure "would go well beyond these safeguards by interfering with consumers' private health care choices," the AP reported.

Currently, more than 20 states already ban abortion coverage in health care plans, but the measure would mean all states will be prohibited from offering abortion coverage, according to the AP. The measure would also keep the District of Columbia from providing abortions for low-income women.