Self-Defense Claim In Swastika Stealing and Shooting Case

Never mess with a man's Swastika, or there will be hell to pay. A woman found out the hard way when: she thought it a good joke. instead, 5.56-mm slugs took her down. That day was a holocaust for her.

He said it was his right to gun her down, and it was acting in self-defense when he squeezed off rounds into the hapless woman. The accused used an AR-15 long rifle, based on the documents filed in court, The Smoking Gun.

Alexander Feaster, 45, in asking for a reducing his bail charges of $500,000 for shooting the victim like a dog, said in his defense the following statements. He describes himself as a true-blue patriot and American subject to harassment, and even threats, with his flags, stolen. Arguing his neighbors were impinging on his freedom, to express his sentiment, reported Knowledia.

The accused Feaster was arrested and with charges of assault and battery using a deadly weapon. This is in connection with him pumping the victim, Kyndal McVey, 26, with several shots. He was arrested on the 28th of June.

One of the instances of probable cause according to the affidavit, the victim, McVey, was partying at a nearby house across Suspect's home. She randomly went across to Feaster's home at exactly 2:55 a.m., rushed over, and got one of two Nazi flags outside the house. She got one and ran fast trying not to get caught. But, he saw the fleeing woman and shot several rounds in the belly and legs that toppled her, cited NBC News.

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The victim's wounds were serious enough for surgeries, and get laid up recuperating from the shots.

A motion filed for the lessening of the bail, the shooter said McVey is the real perpetrator not him. The woman is guilty of several offenses like larceny, trespass, intoxicated in public, also a hate crime, which is all applicable to her actions.

In his defense for gunning down the victim, the accused said he fired at the woman because of self-defense bodily harm too. But, the investigators made an argument using footage of the Nazi-admirer, that captured images of the victim running away with nothing but a flag in hand.

According to the cops, who thought he has always been on watch to see if anyone would purloin his Nazi flags. One indication is a chair placed facing the porch, with a good view of the flags. Also found were cigarette butts and handcuffs. A deputy commented that he was lurking and waiting intentionally.

More observations of the mindset of Feaster was beside the rifle used, inside were unconcealed firearms. This is included military paraphernalia inside his home. He works as an oilfield worker, with a decade in the army sent to Afghanistan and Iraq, a veteran.

In the motion for bail, it is stated the suspect shot at McVey at least seven times, he is not inherently violent. Using the rifle to scare away felons and he shot below the chest so he won't kill her.

Motion to lower bail was granted, and the troublesome swastika stealing was put to rest.

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26, Hate crime, Nazi, Swastika