
Twitter Account of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Hacked, Causing Concerns

The Twitter account of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was hacked. Social Media accounts rely on the protection guaranteed to safeguard accounts, especially of those in the government.

After the suspected breach in security, Twitter said it will be investigated and maybe find ways to prevent future hacking. For PM Modi, this is more than a breach because the hacker can access the account anytime, and Twitter is helpless, reported CNN.

The account of PM Modi, @narendramodi_in, for almost an hour was tweeting randomly mysteriously. Written in the tweet is asking for anyone to donate Bitcoin into another account. This digital currency is favored in some sectors for its high profit, with less than savory associations with the dark web.

In one of the tweets, the name John Wick is used by the computer savvy felon. The name used in the tweet is a movie character in one of Keanu Reeve's movies.

One tweet by the same hacker asked if the donations are given, and it will go to PM National Relief Fund for Covid-19. The last part is the hacker asking to transact through cryptocurrency instead. But they were deleted soon after by the one who gained access illegally.

The Indian PM's account has 2.5 million followers but is just a single Twitter account owned by him. It seems the hacked account was linked to his website and it was verified, noted Union Journal.

When interviewed by CNN Business, the company said it is now trying to attempt any more intrusions in the PMs account to de-compromise it.

According to Twitter Public Relations, it was stated that the situation is being investigated.

The press tried to get more information from India's Ministry of Information Technology, who did not offer any statement when asked for a comment.

This hacking incident comes a month later when another hack job was able to get into the accounts of Barack Obama, Elon Musk, and Sleepy Joe Biden. Next, they used the platform via internal access to carryout Bitcoin fraud.

No answers are given why they attack PM Modi's account.Twitter added that there seems to be no link to the new hack and what occurred in July.

Why Phishing is effective

When the hack happened on Thursday night, access to internal tools was dreadfully deficient too. Some investigation about the hacks says that this is a result of a phishing attack on the smartphones of the company's employees. None of them had any idea how that it happened to them since only a small number was victimized.

The error was not computer-based but human error, that gave the attackers a window into the system used in the tweet.

Before opening any emails or links that are used by black hats to make hapless people click an unverified email. It is better to check, before clicking any files thought. Hackers find phishing one of the easiest ways into a system.

With the Twitter account of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, compromised that will erode the confidence in the online platform.

John Wick, Bitcoin
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