A North Korean Defector speaks of her life inside Kim Jong Un's world, calling it as hellish, so escaping and dying if caught is better.
Yeonmi Park grew up not knowing what friendship or love is. In North Korea, people are brain-washed and mind-controlled to perfection, which is why many are yearning to go to South Korea, reported in NY Post.
Citizens are kept in the dark by the government
In her own words, all citizens are comrades, and all affection was only for the supreme leader and no one else. Even children are never told by their parents they love them.
She added that in North Korea, it was normal to see others die of famine because there are little food and electricity. Walking in parks was chilly and dark as the elites had it differently.
Miss Park is only one of the many people who left North Korea as defectors. They defected to the U.S. in 2007 when she was only 13 years old.
At 26 years old, she lives in Chicago, as an activist for human rights. She gave her insights as a survivor from the North, noted Business Insider.
She said that North Korea is a different world from Iran or Cuba. Also, in those cloistered nations, knowing something is not right.
In the North Korean peninsula, the people are unaware of the world at large. Growing up there, no one knows isolation, nor did anyone know their leader is a dictator.
She and her sister only know that late supreme leader Kim Jong Il and his son Kim Jong Un are deities who can read minds. This terrified everyone to perfection, even ill thoughts were avoided, or they will know.
School children are given lessons in finding nothing nice in another person. Trust is a big mistake for anyone. They are taught that it is better to be divided in heart and mind. No one is a friend there, she added back home.
The gap between the rich and the poor
Most of the world knows only of Nuclear Testing but it is worse coming from one of the few defectors that tell about the inhumane conditions that exist in the hermit kingdom where Kim Jong Un is a god.
Data from the United Nations reveal that 40% of the people don't have enough to eat and are hungry. It is inhuman for such existence especially now with resources for all.
She said that insects were food or go hungry, while the Kim family gets much more. Her uncle and grandmother starved to death, while the elite had feasted.
Everyone got used to relatives and people dying from hunger or sickness, seeing corpses on the streets. Life there is cheap.
The slums of Mumbai are far better than North Korea were and citizens are starved to death by an uncaring government.
Her mother was raped by smugglers when they crossed the Yalu River in the cold. After fleeing and crossing into China over the frozen Yalu River, Park's mother was raped by human traffickers. They were both sold to Chinese men, with Park's first owner paying less than $300 for her.
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