A 38-year-old mother-of-three was found murdered and stuffed inside a freezer was able to write a letter addressed to talk show host Jeremy Kyle begging for help before being killed.
Frozen bodies
The suspect, Zahid Younis, murdered the mother of three children, Mihrican "Jan" Mustafa, and stored her body inside a freezer in his apartment in East London.
According to The Sun, the victim's sister, Mel Mustafa, and her cousin, Ayse Hussein, expressed their grief and stated that Younis continuously targeted Mihrican after she got addicted to drugs.
In May 2018, Mihrican's family reported her missing and could not contact her but discovered 60 of her diaries. The documents included a letter she wrote to former ITV star Jeremy Kyle, that she kept.
Mel said that most of what Mihrican wrote in her diaries was her desire to start rehab and repeatedly begged for someone to help her. She added that her sister even wrote a message for Kyle but never got around to sending it out.
The victim's sister said that she frequently attempted to help her and set her up for two appointments for rehab.
Younis was known for targeting vulnerable women like Mihrican and Henriett Szucs, who was similarly discovered dead inside a freezer.
Both Mihrican and Szucs were battling against drug addiction and experienced homelessness throughout their lives.
Mihrican's sister said her sibling was very vulnerable and frequently had heated arguments with her friends, who then kicked her out of their homes. She had also argued with her family on several occasions.
Mel said the challenges her sister experienced prompted her to accept any attention given to her immediately.
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Sentenced for life
Last week, authorities convicted Younis, who is a known sex offender, and was given lifetime imprisonment, as reported by Mirror.
Both Mel and Ayse told reporters that Mihrican fell into drug addiction after losing her housing benefit, losing her home in the process. They said the single mother-of-three worked several part-time shifts at New Look, TK Maxx, and the West Ham football club. Mihrican also taught dance classes during her time of difficulty.
The victim and her children were forced to move back in with her widow mother in her residence in Custom House. The area was a reminder to the family for the societal issues they have previously experienced.
According to HeadTopics, Mihrican fell into the wrong crowd, who got her started on drugs. Ayse stated her cousin just went through a break-up and was told that drugs would help her alleviate the grief she was feeling.
Mihrican's diaries detailed how she had no knowledge of what she was taking but continued to take them, saying that they helped her cope with her problems.
During the investigation, police officers broke into 36-year-old Younis' property after reports that said he was missing. One personnel saw the freezer with padlocks in the suspect's flat and forced it open.
Initially, police believed that the freezer contained one woman's dead body, but it was later revealed at the mortuary that the compartment housed the bodies of two victims.
The other woman, Henrietta, is believed to have been killed and placed inside the freezer in 2016 while Mihrican was stored later on shortly after she disappeared.
Authorities revealed that both women were seen to have injuries from severe violence, including rib fractures as a result of kicking or stomping.