22-Year-Old Oklahoma Man on the Run for Abusing 6-Month-Old Baby, US Marshals on the Lookout

U.S. marshals are hunting for a 22-Year-Old Oklahoma man who took advantage of a 6-month old baby. He did unspeakable acts not fit to be described by normal standards.

The suspect is identified as Brie Gage Watkins from Enid, Oklahoma who is sought out by authorities for his crimes. He is facing many felonies that include sending videos of perverse nature to two women. In the video, he was molesting a baby who was helpless when he committed those acts of perversion, reported The Sun.

He sent those videos knowingly, despite the fact of its content that is against the law.

On August 14, he was formally charged by the Garfield County District Court with several crimes against an infant. One of those is child pornography with distribution, four more felonies were added on August 28. They are making child porn with committing three instances of lewdness on a child less than 12-years old, confirmed Fox News.

The police found out about his lewd conduct, when on August 11 the Norman Police Department got several videos of the suspect depicted in perverse actions in a video recording. She positively identified in the video who the baby was, and the female informer knew the mother.

Another female informer, who got the video and sent it to the police gave more information. She told the police it was Watkins, who has not been charged yet. The lewd video was sent via Facebook messenger, though it was not checked immediately. She saw the suspect molesting the child, whom she recognized.

In the video message, Watkins even wrote a caption that said whose child it is. The police got a copy of the said video.

A warrant was given for the arrest of Brie Gage Watkins who has not been seen in Enid from since then. In two-week search for the identified child molester, one suspect was arrested because he looked like Watkins, on August 14, cited True Crime Daily.

According to the Norman Police Department spokeswoman Sarah Jensen, the Norman PD was able to find a 29-year old man who looked like the suspect. They assumed it was the suspect because the picture sent by Enid PD match his features, noted Enid News.

When the police tried to bring him in, the man did tell who he was and ran away from them. They caught the homeless man, then let him go for a wrong identification. So, the Norman PD charged him for interference and was sent to cell in the Cleveland county jail. The fellow was incarcerated for three hours, and was released promptly.

Some reports say that Enid Police Sgt. Nick John reached the investigators. It was a call from Norman PD informing that Watkins has been caught. In the Enid Pd, their social media officer posted about the arrest of Watkins.

On the Facebook of Enid PD, it got flooded by tips of Watkins supposed whereabouts that was very overwhelming. But, once again Officer John did not know Watkins was not in custody till August 16.

The Oklahoma man is on the run for child abuse with one false arrest.