
Spooky Video of a ‘Ghost’ Caught in Abandoned Mansion Goes Viral on TikTok

Daughter posts video of ghostly image in haunted mansion that mom captured on TikTok. Pexels/ uzy Hazelwood

Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA - While doing her hike, a mother sent a video of a mystifying and old abandoned mansion to her daughter along with a running commentary on it. But the video does not only include the mysterious house, as the footage also appears to capture a face of a ghostly child who peered out of the window of a haunted house.

Out of her curiosity, the daughter of the hiker run a closer inspection on the video but what she discovered was an eerie face watching outside among the windows in the mansion.

On her TikTok application account @rebecca, the user also known as Rebecca posted the terrifying footage on her account and as soon as she uploaded it the video rapidly went viral.

Rebecca then captured her post that her mom sent the video of the mansion that she had found during her hike but what she had noticed was a face in the window, Fox News reported.

She then ended her caption with a hashtag #haunted.

As observed in the video, Rebecca's mother was innocently running commentary which can be heard on the footage while she scanned the ivy-covered stone façade of the mansion and its charming slanting roof.

The innocent hiker shared on her video that she found something and it is only in Carmel. Someone told her that it is the Murphy House.

She also mentioned that she does not know who the Murphys were but she stated that most likely they no longer lived there for a while because the mansion looks pretty deserted.

After that, she then panned over the front of the house, wherein in the upper left corner the face of what appears to be a child float. Rebecca's mother continued filming and remained oblivious.

And she added that it must have been gorgeous in its day. She also imagined walking around the mansion while wearing a fancy dress as it is amazing and beautiful.

According to The Sun, as of the moment, the footage posted by Rebecca reached at least 265K likes along with not less than 4700 comments as the video clip on the application left its user to freak out.

Even other TikTok users commented that they saw the child and they feel frightened as they have seen it before going bed.

Another app user commented that all of the serotonin left his body.

After Rebecca uploaded the video, conspiracy theories circulated online.

Among them was an instruction stating to check the Flanders mansion in Carmel, CA in Google and you can find out that the owners of the mansion had a son who died at the age of 11.

An individual contacted Emily stating that she was familiar with the house and it was deserted and down a long driveway. She also mentioned that there was ahead of a doll that was put in the mansion's window to keep tourists away.

To confirm the claims, Rebecca made a follow-up video by returning to the house wherein she found out that the claims were true.

She also added that what she discovered in the mansion was just a mannequin.

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