A mortified Chinese family were shocked when their oyster sauce jar had a dead bat inside it. They have been using the condiment until the mother scooped the bat out.
Cooking in China with oyster sauce is a common ingredient for many dishes, but this instance shows a flying rodent was in the mix. Oddly enough, no one noticed anything weird in the three months they've been using it, reported Daily Mail.
The family found the whole dead bat inside the jar while cooking dinner. The son told reporters; it was the oddest thing that has happened to them.
As evidence of the claim, a video was shot of the dead mammal taken from the jar. Anyone who would have seen the disgusting sight, may even throw up.
Bat's, everyone knows, have coronaviruses that have spawned the COVID-19 pandemic. This disease was discovered in Wuhan and might have gestated in bats or pangolins.
According to reports, the offending jar was bought from Jinan, which was a 13-pound pot filled with oyster sauce. The particular brand is Haitian which is popular amongst Chinese customers said local press. Their brand of sauce and flavoring condiments are considered faves by many.
Mr. Guo said that after the bat was discovered and they used it for 90-days was not good. All family members were unable to eat a morsel after the discovery.
Mr. Guo told a Chinese TV station that his mother was trying to scoop the sauce out of the jar and found a surprise. A dead bat was discovered at the bottom part, and smelt terrible.
Right after the discovery, he went to the shop returning the sauce jar. At that point, they showed the bat, which was inside the container, noted What's New Today.
He complained that knowing they've been getting the essence of a dead bat stopped them from eating a few days. He added that all food cooked on that day was wasted over the surprise discovery.
When the store owner was asked what his thoughts were, he said that the bat may have fell into the jar when it was empty, but they never checked if the jar was okay before selling it.
But he clarified that the lid was replaced each time it was used. He also added that there is no way the bat can end up at the bottom of the jar, with its sticky contents.
Immediately, the Foshan Haitian Flavouring & Food company made a statement that said it was a false claim, indicating all their goods get checked, before getting sold and other processed.
A company representative told the press that finding a whole bat is unlikely to happen. The refining process would not be possible to have a complete dead bat inside.
Sources say that if the family can prove without a doubt, it was company negligence, they will assume responsibility for whatever happens. But, only (if) they prove that the bat was inside before getting sold, News Feed Media.
Media sources state the family will have the sauce jar checked by a third party to confirm their claims.
Mr. Guo was stoic saying bats had viruses that are dangerous. He added that the company should pay for their examination to see if they are infected.
The affected family who found a dead bat in the oyster sauce has no updates yet.
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