Jealous Boyfriend Kills Fiancee Because She Exposed Her Body on the Beach

Possessiveness and love can turn deadly for women. In this instance, a jealous boyfriend decided to slay his fiancée. He burned his fiancée to death out of spite for her exposing her body.

A result of the man's horrendous jealousy is getting sent to prison for her slaying. He kills his lover by setting her on fire after other men on the beach saw her body. The thought of the other men's stares must have tormented him, reported The Sun.

Instead of spending the next 15 years or more with her, he has to languish in a prison cell instead.

According to reports, the man is identified as Vitaly Chaikovsky, 29, he is sentenced in September as guilty for the murder of his partner. Killing her with peculiar cruelty in the state of Zaporizha in Ukraine. The victim is his partner, Anastasia Kovaleva, 22, who was killed on July 22, 2019, cited Head Topics.

Details about the shocking death of Kovaleva after being lit on fire by Chaikovsky, pouring fuel on her. The court heard the details, including their lovers spat at the entrance to the woman's apartment. Or could be the man's possessiveness was wearing thin on her, that was troubling the victim.

After the immolation in fuel by her irate partner, it caused 90% burns on her body. She later succumbed to the severity of the attack in the intensive care unit.

Court records mention the burning, murder happened after the man severely berated Kovaleva's intention to spend time at the beach. No mention, if he was with her or not, but he accused her of enjoying showing off her body on the beach.

At one point, both had a big spat and she told the man that she cannot take their relationship anymore. She was getting sick of his attitude and wanted a break up to their dead-end relationship. He did not take it lightly.

In this fight, the convicted suspect pours fuel on her, he had it prepared before they got to her apartment. He premeditated what he was to do to her with deadly intent.

All witnesses to Kovaleva's immolation told the court how she screamed when turned into a burning mass. One of her neighbors called Valentina said that her screams were terrible, as she burned. One witness shouted that a woman is burning, noted the Daily Mail.

One of the witnesses' husband got a blanket to stop the flames on the victim's body. EMTs were summoned to give first aid to the victim. She was brought to the hospital, where she died 8-days later.

During the trial that lasted nearly a year, Kovaleva's killer tried to make judges think that he accidentally set his fiancée on fire while upset. Saying that he did not intend to hurt her by dousing gas and lighting her up. He wanted to scare her enough not to end their thing, calling all the preparations to burn her alive an accident.

He was sentenced to premeditated murder with cruelty, with a 15-year prison term as well. One of the deceased friends told that he was domineering and berated her for constant flirting with men. Even checked her mobile for suspicious texts and demanded her to quit work and stay in the house, noted The Scottish Sun.

The boyfriend was a mess and burned his fiancée to death over suspicious, now in jail, he stays.

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