Mentally-Ill Woman Carves Out Unborn Baby From Pregnant Mom, Claims the Unborn is Hers

A pregnant woman was attacked by another woman who ripped the baby out of her. The female was not in the right mental state and claimed the unborn child as hers.

According to the records, the pregnant woman had her stomach cut open. The perpetrator left her to die in the basement of an unknown residence. With insides exposed, she did survive the ordeal.

The shocking incident happened in Longmont, Colorado, that involved two women. One mother to be, Michelle Wilkins would lose her unborn child in the worst way. Even nearly dying from the attack. However, she did survive. Her pregnancy is lone of the most perfect times of her life in 2015. Her child had a name already, Aurora, reported Meaww.

Terror begins soon

An ad was placed in Craigslist for baby clothes and maternity outfits on March 15, 2017. Michelle talked to the seller and made an appointment the next day. On that day, she met Dynel Lane, who had motives that will change the other woman's life. Dynel's target was the contents of the pregnant woman's belly, cited CNN.

According to the victim, she had her throat slit open the woman. Even with her injured throat, a call was made to 911. It reached dispatcher Beth Kemper that day, that call saved her life. Or she would be dead, mentioned Denver Post.

Responders on the scene were shocked at what they saw

After the 911 call got through sent a flurry of action to the scene with Officer Billy Sawyer. He came upon the victim in the throes of trying to keep alive, he stays until other officers saw them. The first responder described blood all over, close by is a bloody knife. This possibly was the instrument used by the perpetrator.

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To be exact, the crime scene is where the victim was lying across a bed with a phone held in hand. The victim released the phone when he got inside.

He saw several things that would have made those with lesser constitutions belch. Broken glass was on the bed when the victim wanted to reach out. Asking for a glove from another officer because blood was all over her, a gruesome sight. The officer was looking for a 7-month pregnant woman because her belly was flat. He did not know it was the victim who called 911.

Kemper asked the EMTs if the victim is pregnant when they stabilized the victim. Based on the caller's report it was assumed that it was a lie. Sawyer thought that it was the attacker he was talking to. There was a miscommunication made, talking to the victim who drew attention to her belly, cited WNEP.

Realizing it was a stab wound she was pointing and had maternity pants on. He checked her maternity pants with her innards sticking out from a gouged belly. This was how the attacker attempted to get the baby inside, thought the doctors at Boulder County hospital.

The mother survived the harrowing ordeal though her child died at Dynel Lane's attack. She spent five days in the ICU but lost Aurora forever. Getting better she worked, with authorities, and Dynel was arrested for her crime.

Michelle Wilkins had her unborn baby ripped out of her by Dynel Lane, but the sentence given to her attacked is justice accordingly.

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